Cop headshots a kid with a taser

Discussion in 'General' started by 420rowdyguy, Sep 23, 2011.

  1. [ame=] - Cop Tasers Kid In The Face[/ame]

    This was in canada! Seems like our american counterparts have been severely affecting us canadians

    With the criminal bill coming and everything else
  2. Uh... He was assaulting somebody with a skateboard? I'm glad the cop shot him up with some volts.

  3. seriously
  4. HO-LY shit... that would suck.
  5. he didnt deserve that shit dude! idgaf what he was doing!
  6. Yes of course, this is all America's fault :rolleyes:

  7. Do you know the possible health risks of being shot in the fucking head ? do you know what would of happened if he had been shot in the eye, or near the temple ?

    I sure hope you can figure that one out.
  8. Cop's an obvious doucher, he just waltsed in and shot him without even telling the guy to stop or even giving him a warning or anything. Just sat there and shot dat n^gga in the head.
  9. That cop must have came from the USA...

    I like the camera guy, You shot I'm in the head BRO!

    Dont taze me bro....

  10. If he was a US cop he would of shit him in the face with a real gun :p Maybe he was born in the US and raised in Canada :laughing:

  11. yeah and hitting with someone in the head with fists or a skate board is dangerous as well...

  12. #13 Olesmoky, Sep 23, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2011
    What the fuck is your problem? I sure hope you can figure that one out.

    Do you know the health risks of being hit in the face with a skateboard? Do you know what would of happened if nobody broke up that fight?

    Yeah, a body shot would of been better... No shit dude.
  13. ok, obviously the dude with a skateboard was doing something he wasn't supposed to be doing.

    but the police are supposed to be held to a higher standard than the average skater on the street, no?

    thats not an appropriate way for the authorities to conduct themselves regardless.
    it was very irresponsible.
  14. Hes a hybrid. :D

    Sure there are 'health risks' if you get hit in the head with a skateboard, but all the cop had to do was grab one of the kids and hold him, or take him down if he tried to do anything else.

  15. No....the tasering wasn't needed all he should of done is like the poster above said restrain him, there trained for that is it that hard to hold a 14 year old kid back no it isn't.

  16. You do acknowledge that it was a bit extreme and a tad unnecessary though, right? He didn't even need the taser, he could've started with words and if they were resistant taken physically combative steps to subdue one or both, and use something like a taser only if he is totally at risk of being dominated. There were steps to take that could've led to a much better and less risky to a human life's outcome that he avoided by just firing off instantly, not thinking and fucking people up.

    EDIT I think your last sentence means you do acknowledge it. Lol sorry, I'm pretty high. Not the best debater after a bowl
  17. When you don't have respect for another person's life you shouldn't expect respect for your own.

    Yeah, the cop could have handled it differently. In fact it's pretty obvious the kid was backing down when he saw the cop...

    But still... You beat somebody with a skateboard, and you're asking for some serious punishment...
  18. The criminal justice system is supposed the "punishment" not being tasered, but getting a criminal record and doing whatever, community service is issued.
  19. It doesnt matter if the kid had respect for the cops life, he didnt pose a serious threat.

    It isnt the cops job to be THE PUNISHER
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