Cool study on bio stimulant

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by 2cent420, Dec 8, 2023.

  1. Fertiliser supplementation with a biostimulant complex of fish hydrolysate, Aloe vera extract, and kelp alters cannabis root architecture to enhance nutrient uptake

    Found it a fun read , @waktoo got me reading giant articles that burn your eyes lol but I am stuck on certain wording il be honest
    Maybe you can translate 1 piece for me it states how all bio stim worked really god for rooting but then when all together fish creates a p deficency ?

    “”Therefore, application of BC during P deficient conditions may be a strategy for increasing P uptake in plants.
    Induced P-deficiency response molecular mechanisms.

    Metabolite and phytohormone profiling revealed that kelp and Aloe vera extract induced general plant stress-response mechanisms, whilst fish hydrolysate induced mechanisms associated with the plant pathogen defence response. However, when applied together as BC, the induced molecular mechanisms were associated with phosphorous deficiency without induction of general stress response mechanisms, potentially driving the increased uptake of phosphorous observed. “

    Does this mean it makes the plant think it’s got a p and look like p but then drives uptake of p from the fish without really being deficient?
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  2. Yeah defo I don’t do p high as it was born of myth from the marketing since corn fields were Barron and needed p so they all assumed to push p and that causes more problems later ofc for microbes and plants and water systems

    but I do use p when rooting cuttings and young plants in pots using my fish so found this interesting to increase initial root growth before they reach my medium
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  3. What's up 2cent'! Been awhile. I haven't had a lot of free time to chat about these things for a long while now. Glad to hear you're still reading the science. That paper was a doozy... o_O

    This is what I think the study is trying to convey...

    The materials in the BC (aloe,kelp, and fish hydrolysate) provide a number of natural growth hormones that stimulate root growth, specifically lateral root growth. Lateral root tips (rhizosphere) is where the majority of microbial nutrient cycling and plant root nutrient adsorption occurs. Under pressure from multiple forms of abiotic stress (nutrient "deficiency" being one), numerous plant species, including cannabis, have been demonstrated to produce the same phytohormones, which are made in the leaves and then transported down to the roots to stimulate lateral root growth into "fresh" substrate where there are more available nutrients. This costs the plant stored photosynthetic energy.

    This last bit is my own conclusion drawn from reading studies related to photosynthesis/plant root cellular metabolism/plant root exudates/and a bunch of other stuff...

    Seedlings and newly rooted clones have very little above ground biomass (stored photosynthetic energy) to throw energy towards producing roots and leaves at the same time. Seedlings have little leaf surface area to begin with, and newly rooted clones have used up a large portion of the stored leaf energy to generate the roots that they have. The rooting hormones contained in the BC materials bypass the need for the plant leaf metabolic pathways that generate the hormones that stimulate root growth. The young plants are thus able to dedicate more photosynthetic energy to the production of above ground biomass, and need to dedicate less photosynthetic energy towards lateral root production. I might speculate, in the most basic sense, that this would increase early vegetative growth rates of seedlings/cuts, by bypassing that "lag" time that a lot experience between seedling germination/newly rooted cuts and robust growth.

    Just my 2 cents, and probably more applicable to "living sustrate" methods of cultivation. I'm not an agronomic scientist. :GettingStoned:
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  4. Yeah lol been a long time life and stuff eh drives us mad finished my last finally with all problems did quite well , fixed this round we learn eh but only by failing ,
    Reading science or trying to sieve out the bad writes I’m enjoying them glad I got the pc working again cause 2years on a mobile has killed me , you feel your reading a whole article then link to the pc and its 3 lines that deception of the phone screen is killer , false sense of short completions where we haven’t really achieved anything glad to have a screen now somuch easier to research and tab up references no wonder I had somuch trouble I couldn’t sort it was like looking town a narrow tunnel , I call it what my son has bog roll vision (the tubes in the middle if you look down them that’s the view you get on a phone missing all what’s around ) ha good to see ya waka Xmas will be over soon and you head can rest lol it’s killing me

    makes sense I have experienced this first hand this round with some that was overwatered in a compost which didn’t take well plants killed them self back but doing so pushed roots out the bottom of the pot hard and regrew up, took a long and taxing time on the plants they wil be lucky to have an oZ on em but they made it lol
    My others in the peatmix didn’t mind over watering so thrived so got a save
    Pretty much like cuts do if they don’t root they die back root if they can and grow back

    I see what you mean on seedlings I’ve always been scared to spray em with anything just wait it out hate the first 2 week seedlings I always wonder when the hell and where the hell they grow from when you go up and wow it’s a plant now

    but the aloe spray I may trail with on some spare seeds from my seed run see what bypass can do eh ,

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