Cool program I made

Discussion in 'General' started by Dark_Angers, Sep 2, 2006.

  1. I just made a little program that makes txt u type encrypted. This is usefull if u don't want others reading your conversation. Click my site to download it.

    Instructions: First enter password, next pick level of encryption, the choose to encypt or decypt.

    Encyption: Enter text to encypt press enter

    Decyption: Place text to decrypt in the file that say encryption, open program choose level of encryption the text is in, decrypt and look in decrypted file.

    Password to use program: bweedup

  2. [​IMG]

    Link don't work.
  3. someone tell me how it is:eek:

  4. I just seized. Ass. :p

    I'll try the program out tomorrow on my other computer. Unless you have a linux version?

  5. haha, whoooaa! thats messed dude. i freaked out :eek:

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