Cool Dad Speaks Out!

Discussion in 'General' started by Medicine Al, Jun 13, 2008.

  1. What a guy, this is my type of parent. Read the whole article if you have time.

    Father’s Day 2008My Dear Ones,
    Marijuana has been proven one of the safest therapeutically active drugs known to mankind. I have used it with little or no harm for 40 years. My mind still finds cannabis fun and enlightening after decades of inter-cranial adventures, and, as an adult, should you choose to employ a drug for such purposes, marijuana is the only drug I would recommend. For me, pot is fun and is very easy to walk away from, if need be. Also, cannabis possesses more healing properties than I’d ever dreamed or suspected possible. And as I continue to age, and I require more healing from my sports and work-related injuries, trusty cannabis helps me maintain my quality and love of life.

    Much Love,
    Dad (and now Grandpa)

    15 years ago my daughter asked me for the truth, the whole truth on this subject. I avoided giving her an answer then, and have been ashamed of myself ever since. Here it is Sweetheart, better late than never

    Sign my name there too, brother!
  2. Great story.

    The good thing is that as more people get educated, that number usually rises exponentially with a few exceptions. Usually when parents take part in cannabis maturely, the kids learn to as well. This just keeps getting passed on.
  3. Great article, its from a view of an average person. Not your typical stoner (sry no offense to anyone, nothing wrong with smoking weed IMO) just saying it should be legal to be legal. He proves his point!

    Great Story, I'd like to meet this guy.

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