Cool cop story

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by McNublets, Jan 26, 2010.

  1. A few weeks back I was blazing with my friends in LA, had a little run in with the cops which ended up turning into a pretty funny story. Note: I'm a little baked so the story might ramble a bit.

    My 2 friends and I were hotboxing my truck late at night at a spot in the valley (SF valley). Right after we had finished our blunt 2 cop cars pulled up behind us. They took our IDs and bud etc, and all but one of the cops went back to their cars to do whatever. The cop that stayed started asking me questions about my truck, and asked me about the sticker on my back window (I have a sticker advertising a truck forum I go to a lot). He asked me how long I was a member on the forum, and asked if I knew a guy named Jon on the forums. I said yeah I did... turns out the cop was that Jon guy. He gave us back our IDs, even gave us back our bud and told us to bounce.

    Funny part is that I was talking to the same friends about how I wanted to take the sticker off because I was tired of people asking me about it. Who knew it would save my ass hahaha
  2. Beautiful, dude. I've never caught ONE break, hehe.

    But good for you! :)
  3. Haha thats some good karma there bro.. Deff keep that sticker on now :p
  4. That's awesome! :hello:

    I love when things work out like that. :D
  5. You are one lucky son of a bitch. That is a bad ass story though.
  6. Wow thats awesome dude! seriously!
  7. crazy luck and u got the bud back score
  8. Holy shit, dude count your blessings that's some LUCK
  9. Sounds like a nice guy who deserves a hand clap :hello:
  10. that is motherfuckin ausome.
  11. great story.

    this goes to show that all cops arnt bad cops.

    there are some good ones out there.
  12. He must have thought you were cute. :laughing: But yeah, man, that is more than cool...even got the bud back, god damn.
  13. Give the cop mad rep on the truck forum and tell everyone the story on that forum as well....if you already havent
  14. You must thank him daily on the truck forum

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