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Cooking like a fucking pro ~ Sous Vide

Discussion in 'The Great Indoors' started by SIRSOG, Mar 14, 2012.

  1. So, my friend and I (mainly him lol) built and immersion circulator....

    We either use a pot on the hot plate, or a crock pot, plugged into a PID controller w/ temp probe, and place a small pump into the pot/crock pot to keep water circulating.

    First time we used it, was last night...

    took a fat steak, salted it for 90 mins, rinsed, dried... sealed in vacuum sack.... cooked in immersion system for 2 hours at 58C (~136F). Removed from vac sack, seared in safflower oil for 30 seconds on each side....

    fucking most delicious tender steak i have ever eaten.... it could be pulled apart with a fork, no knife needed..... Ill take pics next time we make something with it... but damn, no seasoning after the initial salting.. and it tasted like a fucking 5 star steak...

    anyone else living the high life cooking like a fucking pro ass chef lol
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  2. Idk about you but my cooking tastes like a gourmet meal every time, but I'm usually high. :smoke:

  3. lol you dont even know man, my food is always an elaborate meal of sorts

    but this sous vide shit... is unworldly... the steak looses 0 juice in the cooking process, the fat on the steak, was like fucking butter, it was desired instead of being a chewy lining....

    there is science behind lots of this... the collagen and shit in meats dont "loosen" up until they are exposed to a range of temps for extended times....

    Going to be making 72 hour short ribs.... the weight of the meat is supposed to make it slide right off the bone, if holding the bone that is.... yea... fuck yea
  4. Shit man get some pics up! That sounds awesome, and you say ya'll built this?
    Sounds pretty good though.

    Those things are pretty expensive (to buy) for your average home cooker, Id say thats pretty pro-like yo :cool:
  5. My friend technically a built it, i assisted lol and he keeps it so i cant take pics until we cook another meal with it, other than the hotplate/pot it just looks like a bunch of wiring and a few devices haha

    i think it cost him... 200 or something total, maybe less..... its pretty simple too, im surprised this isnt more common, and i REALLY wonder why those machines are like thousands of dollars lol, its a temp controller.... a probe... and a fucking pump to circulate water..... the rest is just simple cooking tools (other than the hotplate i guess lol but a crockpot can be used)
  6. #6 Chrismittty, Mar 20, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 20, 2012

    Awesome, Thats why I LOVE DIY! You get to learn how to do something, and its a lot cheaper, Its way Fucking worth it:hello: Thats cool you helped him, I guess now that im subbed ill get to see the next round, This knifeless steak sounds prettty sweet, I bet thats an impressive meal, You could seriously woo some ladies with that one;) Pretty sure my girl would be impressed if I built this shit and made her a steak she could cut with her fork:D Hell I'm impressed.:smoke:
  7. A little too much work for me. Are you doing the same thing as those 2 dudes from ramseys show where they put everything they cooked in a water bath lololol. Can you make me a steak?
  8. :mad: I hate you
  9. too muck work lol

    more like too much awesome for you!
  10. [ame=]Ramsay's Best Restaurant S01E08 Part 5 - YouTube[/ame]

    2 brothers IN A WATER BATHHH

  11. yea man they cook the salmon sous vide lol and the lamb

    thats how the motha fuckin pro's do it, but doing it in a restaurant, unless its VERY tiny and you have stuff pre bathing in there... it would take forever... like i said man, the steak we made was in there for 2 hours lol
  12. alright mother fuckers

    i said
    and i wasnt lying!! Ok so i was lying... they are 48 hour ribs... but there is more too it

    So... ive had ribs in my sous vide device for almost 48 hours... feast is tonight...

    BUT... they dry rub "cured" for 48 hours, and marinaded for 24 hours prior to entering the device.... thats 120 hours of treatment on those ribs lol 5 days...

    the dry rub was just some rub i bought, i was planning on just doing a quick rub and marinade and grilling them but my plans changed lol the marinade however was stubbs BBQ sauce, pineapple juice, a little yogurt (pineapple and yogurt contain enzymes that make meat SO fucking tender) 5-6 cloves of garlic, and some of the rub that was already on the meat (had leftover lol)

    Been cooking at 60c (140f) for nearly 48 hours.... more than enough time for all the collagen to convert into gelatin and make the meat the most tender shit around...

    Ill try and remember pics of this one lol
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  13. sweet thread!

    did this "smoked" beef yesterday....shit, pics won't upload?

    anyway I followed the chef steps "smokerless brisket recipe" except I used three big ass chuck roasts and it was the fucking bomb.

    using an anova in a party stacker cooler...
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  14. Woah you just gave me a blast from my own past.
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  15. lol didnt want to start a new one so I bumped the oldest....what you rocking these days?
  16. Dude - I’m STILL waiting on the pics... wtf...


  17. Yea i did not deliver on this one lol

    I'll have to remember next time i bust out the immersion cooker
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  18. I just take whatever looks tasty and throw it in a pan. My speciality is a dish passed from father to son consisting of sour beans rice meat and bacon served with a yeasty beer.
    Now that I think about it I know what I'm gonna eat for the next three days
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  19. Looks like all of GCs chefs heard the call.

    I also saw the salt shaker logo projected in the sky.

    Commendable switch to the yogurt based marinade.

    The dry rub wouldn't have served you as well Sous Vide. Dry rubs are better for a braise or low-heat indirect cooking methods like smoking.

    Have you considered a brine for the ribs? I rarely use dry rubs because I usually more direct heat cooking methods for meats and spices burn. I spice after the sear.
  20. This thread is ancient man.

    Those ribs were consumed 6 years ago lol
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