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Cookin with vaped weed vs non-vaped weed?

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by ad0lfpiffler, Feb 7, 2011.

  1. How strong is abv relative to pre-vape bud?

    So I quit smoking a while ago and have been cookin edibles ever since.

    Anyways I just got a launch box. My question is about the abv. I wanna try to cook with this shit.  How strong is the abv relative to the original herb? How much thc is roughly lost via vape action?  Is this shit like 10% strength of the pre-vape herb?
  2. i would say more than 10 % but im not sure.
    to put it in perspective,
    plenty of thc is still in the plant matter and vaping is only "baking" the surface. i would say the plant matter still has about just guessing but i always cook with vaped herb and i feel good with a gram of vaped buds. im in space all day if i have 2 grams. so many receipes:D
  3. From what I've seen you should use 3x the amount of ABV weed
  4. If I would use the vaped weed, I would at least double it's amount vs. non vaped.
  5. Thanks that's what I was lookin for was proportions like that
  6. Yeah man, if you use abv weed def use at least 3x the amount... I made firecrackers a few months back and ate 6 of them using abv with some kill and felt little to nothing.. and i'm not immune to edibles so I'm assumin one of two things, either I fucked up the recipe, which I ruled out since I followed the directions exactly...or there just wasn't much thc in them...
  7. IT's great!
  8. To answer your question OP, it depends on how thoroughly you vape your herb. If its still sorta light green, maybe a light golden and green mixture, then 2x as much vaped herb should substitute 1x fresh. If its a brown, golden brown, or dark brown tint, you should use 3x or more. I typically convert 3.5g [an 8th] AVB to 1.25g fresh.
  9. is there anyone who is experienced cooking with vaped that would want to get a detailed post going for us who are new to cooking with abv weed? pretty please :)

  10. I have experience with it. I've made cannabutter once with it, cannapeanutubtter, golden dragon and MANY firecrackers. My post to help you is literally RIGHT above your post.
  11. Alright, for some reason I thought the cooking wouldnt be as simple as just replacing the nug with abv, i thought there would be more and or different steps.
    thanks for the conversions
  12. its actually less steps unless you include the vaping process. when you use avb you dont have to decarboxylate
  13. Ah see there was one thing i was wondering about thank you much!
  14. Good rule of thumb is use 3x as much vaped weed as you would normal weed. But I gotta warn you, last time I made FCs with vaped bud I ended up eating 4.5g and I got a huge stomach ache. Yes, I was incredibely stoned beyond belief and ended up passing out for 14 hours and woke up still high. True story. I think it's better to just use normal weed so you aren't consuming a literal meal of weed. If I were you I'd make a batch of vaped firecrackers and sell 'em, then buy more weed with the profit :smoke:
  15. i have ounces of experience cooking with vaped weed :) i use my volcano all day and own 2 other vapes so needless to say my vaped bud builds up fast. what i usually do is just add as much vaped bud as possible to any recipe and i always strain the weed out since your using 3x the plant material. So say the recipe calls for a stick of butter, il melt 2 sticks in a crock pot and add as much avb as i can without it getting too thick. I use two sticks because your not gonna get all the butter out of the bud and you can always add a little extra butter to the recipe. Ive used oil many times too and i dont really have a preference, butter is easier to find recipes for and it tastes better in my opinion.:rolleyes:

    Also i would recommend using a flavoring such as chocolate with whatever recipe your using because eating vaped bud doesnt taste too good, kinda like a burnt popcorn aftertaste. I've made glycerin ticntures following wildwills guild on this forum with great success too. my lastest use for abv was making qwiso hash following the guides on this forum also but i skip the decarb part cause the vaporizer pretty much did that if im not mistaken.
    i hope i helped :smoke:
  16. I keif the vaped weed and cook with the toasted keif.
    To make vapeweed peanut butter, use about 1/3 cup of vapeweed keif to a 12 ounce jar of peanut butter. Scrape the peanut butter out of the jar into a microwave safe dish, microwave for 1-2 min (stirring often, until your peanut butter is warm and runny) then fold in your keif. Yes, the peanut butter is supposed to turn that strange green color. Once its all mixed in and cooled, spoon it back in the jar and store in a cool dry place. Enjoy!
  17. Won't it taste like vape weed?

    i've smoked vaped weed before (for fun lol) and it got me kinda high but it tasted terrible
  18. its still pretty strong man. i usually use about 2-3gs to get a strong edible.
  19. eating vaped weed does taste terrible. i think that unvaped weed doesnt taste good cooked either
  20. Thanks y'all I'll let u kno how I make out

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