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Convincing My Mother To Let Me Grow Marijuana?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Sonterp, Jun 2, 2013.

  1. I am 21 and I live with my mother and step-father. We live in Rifle, Colorado. They have a nice big 10 acre ranch using only 2 acres. We have a greenhouse but my mother won't allow me to grow because she thinks her job will fire her if I grow cannabis. I would like to talk to her about laws and stuff but would like some tips on how to change her mind.
    P.S. She does not have a problem with me growing it she just thinks she would be fired if I grow it in her greenhouse. She works for xto energy (oil company) in Argentina. I just want to convince her that she will not lose her job. We are struggling badly for money and plan on selling to dispensaries thanks for the help!

  2. Highlight the good points of growing and comfort her that nothing bad will happen that you will keep it hidden, in pots in case they have to be moved ect ect.
    If worst comes to worst lace up the boots, hike up the mountain and guerilla grow.
  3. Some companies can fire her. Even with it being legal, if it's against her company policy they can still can her. 
    It's their house, their rules. 
  4. I don't really understand, is your mom's job related to the green house or something? Why would anybody from her job find out about them?
  5. If you have 10 acres of land do it anyway lol.. I'm sure you can find a secluded spot.
  6. Great news! she is okay with it but I have to convince my bull-headed step dad. Got any tips?
  7. Show him the new law that says it's legal, and then show him the cash you get from selling it?
  8. Do you have any common sense? You told us what city and state you live in and were your mom works, there cant be many people working for a Argentinean oil company in your town.

    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Grasscity Forum mobile app

  9. Why the fuck does she work for an Argentinean oil company and live in colorado.
  10. Yeah your pretty stupid I reccommend deleting this whole post.
    hes your step-dad, he cant do squat.
    go ahead
    hes your step-dad, he cant do squat.
    go ahead
  13. But... But it's legal to grow in Colorado. Unless someone from this Argentinean company frequents grasscity, I think they'll be good. I would still delete it anyway because I'm paranoid, but that's just me.
  14. I know first hand how frustrating it is to have a greenhouse and not be able to grow pot in it. Is it really your plan to sell to dispensaries or do you have other customers in mind?  Maybe she has a point.  If there is even a small chance she would lose her job over your big plan then think how catastrophic that could be to her life.  You may even be forced to get a job and support yourself if that happens. Assumptions made by devil's advocate.
  15. Calling me stupid? Her HEADQUARTERS is in Argentina and if they see anybody in the family smoking weed my Mother would be fired. Now go be a judgemental prick somewhere else.
  16. That's why he instructed you to delete this shit so noone stumbles upon it that knows your mother. Go be a inconsiderate son somewhere else.
  17. If she would lose her job over it I wouldn't do it, unless you have grown before and can grow good enough weed to sell to a dispensary I wouldn't do it.
  18. Lol calm down bro. It is stupid of you to post this because it could affect your mothers work alot. Sorry for caring for a stranger, prick. Fuck grasscity everybody is angry.
  19. #19 Bronx Finest, Jun 27, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 27, 2013
    Go into the Forrest and grow and return every once in awhile to take care of it. Weathers getting nice so why not give it a shot?Sent from my Prism using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  20. #20 Cactus Ed, Jun 27, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 27, 2013
    I wouldn't call you stupid but I would say the way you're thinking isn't smart (not that mine is).  Why can't you see these guys telling you to delete your posts have a point?  Rifle, CO has a population of about 10,000.  How many people from there work for a place headquartered in Argentina, have a greenhouse, and a 21 year old son? I bet some guys in Rifle, who may read this, already know who you are, and now they know your plan.  I find your choice of a username telling.

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