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Convincing my mother to be open to medical marijuana?

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by mindv, Jan 30, 2011.

  1. I hope this is in the right forum.
    My mother suffers from severe insomnia. She NEVER gets a good night's sleep and is constantly suffering negative consequences from it. She has been on sleeping pills in the past and is considering trying them again. I'd like to suggest to her trying medical marijuana to help with her insomnia, but she is extremely close-minded when it comes to marijuana usage, period.

    She grew up in the 60s-70s and never smoked weed, and of course she heard all the anti-weed propaganda and never really saw it in a positive light. So to this day she is still very against marijuana and thinks that it makes you some crazy wreck-less irresponsible person with no drive or desire to do anything in your life.

    I've been trying to find useful, informative information on the internet about the benefits of using marijuana for insomnia and also the many dangers of long-term use of sleeping pills.

    Anybody else have experience trying to convince a family member or friend in a similar situation? Have any informative websites, books, articles, etc I could show her?
    Also, anybody here who's had positive results in curing insomnia with medical marijuana like to share anything about it?

    I'd really just like to see her able to get a good night's sleep without all the harmful effects of sleeping pills, and although medical marijuana might not be the answer for her I think she should try it.
    Thanks in advance.
  2. #2 tharedhead, Jan 30, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 30, 2011
    Have you showed her Granny Storm Crow's list?

    Here is just one article

    Cannabis, pain, and sleep: lessons from therapeutic clinical trials of Sativex, a cannabis-based medicine.

    Do you have a medical marijuana support or advocacy group in your area where you mother can meet real medical cannabis users in her own age group, who can speak to her as peers?

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