Whats up everyone....I know there is already a couple threads similar to this one I'm writing...but I came across this website that lists emails, phone numbers, and addresses for contacting governers of all 50 states. Click here to contact the terminator (CA governor) Click here to contact the Washington governor Click here for a list of contact info for all 50 states Prohibition will never end unless a majority of the THE PEOPLE make it clear that thats what they want...SO if you're a true smoker, or anyone not ignorant enough to buy into the propaganda that weed is bad...then take 5 minutes or less out of your day and send your governer an email, or give them a call...and tell them that you want prohibition ended. Don't forget to include some of the well known facts such as a ton of tax revenues, good people out of jail and prison, etc... and add any other reasons you have, but don't just be like...uh i wanna get high, can you legalize marijuana. hahaha There are non smokers who would also agree that prohibition should end too, so send a link to this thread and/or some of the other similar threads on this forum to everyone you know. As seen in other threads, the governator is open to a debate on the legalisation of marijuana, that is just a form of insurance....he is really for it, but he can't just come out and say CA should legalize marijuana because it would make him look bad among his peers (political). We have a much better chance of first ending prohibition in 1 or 2 states (washington or california) because they are ahead of the curve already, especially in CA because of the severly messed up economy. If they ended prohibition in one of these 2 states, then it will show the rest of our nation that ending marijuana prohibition is in fact a good idea. It will let them see, there wont be any negative effects for people that don't smoke marijuana (or for anyone). people that do will be happier. anywhere prohibition ends will see massive tax revenues helping to prevent new tax raises and will provide money for things that help everyone including non-smokers....and once and for all will prove that all these stupid ass "above the influence" commercials you see on tv are absolute bullshit...no one will get high and accidentally shoot themselves or friend in the head, or run over a little girl on a bike, or turn into a retard...etc. JOIN THE MOVEMENT....END PROHIBITION