I have been looking into ppm and ph meters. Anyone have any experience with the control wizard PH and PPM meters? I have been thinking about this package on ebay Control Wizard pH Meter & PPM Meter w/ 4oz Solutions - eBay (item 230426274354 end time Feb-17-10 17:27:47 PST) Any advice would be great
I think you'd be better off goin' to your local hydro shop and spendin' the extra cash on those, just for the warranty, etc.
Hrmm, good point.. I'm thinking they are probably marked up a little there though..I'll have too look into it.. Has anyone tried this line of PH and PPM meters? Ive noticed reviews on the hanna and horrible it is thanks!
Sometimes it's worth paying the mark up for the warranty on the product man. Always in my opinion, especially in items like that, which can commonly break very easily.
Search Amazon ( Hanna Instruments HI 9813 Portable ) $89.10 This one just omits the temp sensor. And get a PPM cal solution and PH solution.
EC, PPM and PH Why would I suggest getting a cal solution for something that is not present on the meter. It comes with 1 small sachet of each PPM and PH cal solutions.