contents of your daily life

Discussion in 'The Artist's Corner' started by phlatbeats, Feb 7, 2001.

  1. [this isn't mine, i pulled this from's site. by an anonymous party]

    The Contents of Your Daily Life

    How many hours a day do you spend in front of a television screen? A computer screen? Behind an automobile windscreen? All three screens combined? What are you being screened from? How much of your life comes at you through a screen, vicariously? Is watching things as exciting as doing things? Do you have enough time to do all the things that you want to? Do you have enough energy to? Why? And how many hours a day do you
    sleep? How are you affected by standardized time, designed solely to synchronize your movements with those of millions of other people? How long do you ever go without knowing what time it is? Who or what
    controls your minutes and hours? The minutes and hours that add up to your life? Are you saving time? Saving it up for what? Can you put a value on a beautiful day, when the birds are singing and people are walking around together? How many dollars an hour does it take to pay you to stay inside and sell things or file papers? What can you get
    later that will make up for this day of your life?

    How are you affected by being in crowds, by being surrounded by anonymous masses? Do you find yourself blocking your emotional responses to other human beings? And who prepares your meals? Do you ever eat by
    yourself? Do you ever eat standing up? How much do you know about what you eat and where it comes from? How much do you trust it? What are we deprived of by labor-saving devices? By thought-saving devices? How are you affected by the requirements of efficiency, which place value on the product rather than the process, on the future rather than the present, the present moment that is getting shorter and shorter as we speed faster and faster into the future? What are we speeding towards? Are we saving time? Saving it up for what? How are you affected by being moved
    around in prescribed paths, in elevators, buses, subwmasses? Do you find yourself blocking your emotional responses to other human beings? And who prepares your meals? Do you ever eat by yourself? Do you ever eat
    standing up? How much do you know about what you eat and where it comes from? How much do you trust it? What are we deprived of by labor-saving devices? By thought-saving devices? How are you affected by the
    requirements of efficiency, which place value on the product rather than the process, on the future rather than the present, the present moment that is getting shorter and shorter as we speed faster and faster into
    the future? What are we speeding towards? Are we saving time? Saving it up for what? How are you affected by being moved around in prescribed paths, in elevators, buses, subways, escalators, on highways and
    sidewalks? By moving, working, and living in two- and three-dimensional grids? How are you affected by being organized, immob

    Do you ever need to see the sky? (Can you see many stars in it any more?) Do you ever need to see water, leaves, foliage, animals?
    Glinting, glimmering, moving? Is that why you have a pet, an aquarium, houseplants? Or are television and video your glinting, glimmering, moving? How much of your life comes at you through a screen, vicariously? If your life was made into a movie, would you watch it? How do you feel in situations of enforced passivity? How are you affected by
    a non-stop assault of symbolic communication--audio, visual, print,
    billboard, video, radio, robotic voices--as you wander through a forest of signs? What are they urging upon you? Do you ever need solitude, quiet, contemplation? Do you remember it? Thinking on your own, rather
    than reacting to stimuli? Is it hard to look away? Is looking away the very thing that is not permitted? Where can you go to find silence and solitude? Not white noise, but pure silence? Not loneliness, but gentle
    solitude? How often have you stopped to ask yourself questions like these? Do you find yourself committing acts of symbolic violence? Do you ever feel lonely in a way that words cannot even express? Do you
    sometimes feel yourself ready to LOSE CONTROL?

  2. i'm glad someone replied to this. i was hoping it would evoke some nice story telling! and all the luck, you shared yours. i loved it, thank you.

    that piece also reminded me of an experience i had with some time i had spent with nature. although, i was too young to "trip", i found that just being in the state of consciousness that the earth had to offer was plenty of stimulation i needed.

    when i was about 10, my parents lost the house we were living in, and basically became financial wrecks. at ten, this meant little to me at the time, but.. "where will i sleep? what will i eat". my mom kept her job, and my dad didn't work, and stayed with me in a campsite we managed to get a deal on (staying longer than the limited time).

    Without the money and standardized boxed living styles, i was able to experience more than i thought was possible. i was able to experience an environment in it's purity.

    people ask if i am angry about relatively being homeless but, that's not really what i got out of the experience. =]


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