Contemplations -> long post

Discussion in 'Marijuana Legalization' started by Nima420, Aug 8, 2012.

  1. #1 Nima420, Aug 8, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 8, 2012
    Ok, so I was broke and getting some money today and was gonna pick up some kush and was like yesssss it's gonna be way better than the regs I smoked and gonna help me unwind and relax hardcore.

    Then I was killing some time at work and saw this link:
    Marijuana Aficionado - Gallery

    A few things caught my eye. Basically, I realized that almost all of the bullshit a lot of tokers deal with -> family/friends bitching, people saying it's bad/carcinogenic, isolating themselves because let's say a roomate or family gets annoyed when they smoke even if they are just relaxing, wanting to burn one at work and getting ish, cops arresting you and getting you in more shit than if you just smoked the joint and were lazy and did something stupid like quit work (assuming that even happens if you are responsible it won't), the list goes on and on and on and on.

    I was just looking at those photos and I have a really vivid imagination so I can visualize what things would feel like (for example if it would be a sativa/indica high, if it would be crystally, if it would burn clean or smokey, if it would feel like it's messing up my body (like when I smoke cigarettes and drink a lot of beer and want to throw up).

    Then I also thought... a lot of the habits I pursue because of these things but wanting to smoke like cigarettes. And it is SOOOO obvious they cause a billion times more damage. That's just the first part of it. Then I was like wait a sec.... I get regs a lot of the time. It is way smokier, I can tell it's more damaging, I want to smoke more, don't get that clear high, get lazy, etc. So it's not just the fact that the weed is illegal since I can still get it and usually avoid cops and stuff. It's everything that goes along with it.

    Like use your imagination. If it was legal you could just smoke in public or at your house or whatever and nobody could give you shit if you were paying rent or doing whatever else. Neighbours would bug off. You could go for a walk and just spark a blunt. If you want to burn at work and don't want to get in trouble or lazy because you are burning an indica which makes you sleepy and non-productive, you could just smoke the most clean, crystally, high THC sativa and get that wakeful energetic energy. If you were depressed you could find the right strain to make you laugh and joke and leave it in the past (I'm not saying don't fix your problems that is a mistake but smoking in the meantime WHILE you do it and have control would be fine). People, psychologists, anyone ignorant who has not experienced it and is speaking or writing articles on it would bug off and their opinion wouldn't matter really. You could go to a bakery and buy any edibles if you didn't want to smoke. You could much more easily get a medicinal prescription and if you had some mental issues it could replace a lot of harmful, synthetic drugs. The effect on your body would be less since you would be getting cleaner, fresher, strains. You could choose the buds that fit your needs. If you have trouble sleeping, something to knock you out. If you are lazy, something wakeful. If you like to daydream maybe some sick purps or blueberry. You wouldn't have to hide it from anyone and even when I do it publicly and at work and stuff if I choose to I kind of keep it on the dl or cover it up with a cigarette or wash my hands a bunch and all those issues would just be BAM! Your girlfriend would bug you less and would maybe even toke up with you if she normally wasn't down lol. Out the window!

    Just saying... A lot of people consider the major things that come with the legalization or opening of pot culture, but do you consider the little things that would possibly cause an even BETTER influence. I have run into a lot of the above issues and led to consequences that have not necessarily harmed me but kind of left memories and situations that affected me in a negative way but could have been avoided. So in essence maybe they are causing more problems than they are fixing. By maybe I mean definitely. :smoke:

    I'm in psychology and I'm not sure if I'm going to stick with it but I'd prescribe a helluva lota medicinal marijuana if I went that route lol. Fuck prozac and all that other bs. I'm gonna make a list of all the reasons and then compare them with the "negatives". A lot of the negatives people state would be avoidable (although they may already be such as avoiding smoke and carcinogenic affects by using a vap) if legalized. MORE avoidable is the thing people are missing. For example, I probably wouldn't smoke cigs if I could just light up a joint all the time. Imagine like a 20 pack of your favourite strain rather than picking up some fuckin canadian classics and getting cancer lol (not that that's funny).

    I'm starting to realize that a lot of life isn't about who's RIGHT or WRONG if there is such a thing (I believe there is objectivity to a large degree to things at the very least) but who can force their opinion or views on others with less influence or in a minority but still a large group. For example, if everyone is telling you that if you do this and that X will happen, people believe it and neglect to see the big picture. Then cast a positive light on it and the world view changes. It's kind of sad tbh. It's the causal effects that we often forget to consider since there are so many. Like, this guy got fired from work for smoking a joint even though he was doing his job well, then in trouble at home because of that, etc. etc. cause and effect. If these laws didn't exist neither would these consequences.

    Makes me feel like I would rather make a difference advocating legalization of something like marijuana or study of holistic plants and medicinal uses, but I'm not sure how I could go that route? There are 1000s of entheogens with little to no negative effects or MUCH less than the bullshit they prescribe people yet they are unknown to almost anyone or are shunned or avoided. That doesn't even consider the spiritual and interpersonal effects. Imagine a world where all those doors were opened.

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