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Cons of Repetitive/Excessive Smoking?

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by InhaleExhaleWee, Jan 28, 2010.

  1. This is an open-ended question to all seasoned tokers!

    As a good many of you have been smoking for a long ass time, some even a few decades, I would like a first person detail of your personal and first-hand experiences with smoking affecting YOUR life! whether personal or daily, in a negative fashion. :rolleyes:

    Obviously the scientific facts are easily accessible online, I want a detailed firsthand experience. :cool:

    It can be anything! :eek:

    i hope the spacing and smiley faces made it easier to read ;)

  2. Haven't been smoking for years, but from a couple months of nonstop smoking everyday bout 4 bowls a weekday, maybe 10+ a weekend, the only thing I think it might affect me is that when I'm too high, I just wanna vibe and/or eat. this is easily cured by just not getting either high at all, or too baked when you have shit to do. i'm not talking about responsibilities that HAVE to get done, those get done, I'm talking about shit i leave laying around that I am sposed to take to the store to get fixed. but it could just possibly be due to my natural laziness of not doing things that dont affect me currently until i actually need it, or find the motivation. yeah
  3. being funny, getting laid, knowing music, some great cons:D
  4. Haha not being able to graduate highschool on time. We had this class where we had to read a book like "pride and prejudice" every two weeks. I had a job and I smoked everyday, like a quad a week. Predictably, I failed my college level English class and had to go to summer school. But now I'm done with school and I moved out! woo- ho0!
  5. getting a big tolerance is really the only con of constant toking... oh and interactions with parents/grandparents while i wreak of bud. They are a buzzkill.
  6. #6 CasualStonerF, Jan 28, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 28, 2010
    Well i am happy to be one of the first posters here so here goes my rambling
    a bit of background:
    I am from originally from a beautiful country in the easternmost part of the Europe. I have lived there my entire life until about three years ago, when i moved to the awesome NYC. Back in my home country, i smoked very rarely, perhaps once a month. I usually grasp on things fast so i think it is appropriate if i post in this forum, alongside some of the most well respected tokers and tokresses in the world who have been doing it for many many decades. The last three-four years, I have been smoking non stop daily up until recently. I am now a senior in High School and 18 years old. This might not be as useful to some of the older GCers, but will certainly help the growing generation.

    Weed is a wonderful thing. Truly. At first I was nothing but purely happy. Weed was something that takes stress away from my life. I enjoy doing my homework when i am high so school was not a problem. As i was progressing with my life, I was smoking more and more, and the more i smoked the more lazy i got. By the middle of my junior year i just became a couch potato, not wanting to do anything at all. It was like i was watching my life through a TV, with my grades slip and my mother becoming more and more infuriated with me, so i remembered THE RULE "dont have your life revolve around bud, have bud revolve around your life!" so i stopped smoking during the weekdays. Right now i smoke only on weekends, which makes fridays, saturdays and sundays that much pleasurable. The anticipation of friday makes me work as hard as i used to, and all my teachers noticed that i picked up the pace and I started getting good grades. My mother also started to trust me much more, seeing that i was responsible enough to decide what was important for me at the time. In two weeks my "weekend smoking" period is over and i will smoke again on daily basis, so i am excited for that

    Moral: All young weed enthusiasts out there, by all means enjoy weed, but try to do it in a way so it doesn't affect what is important for you, like being a good son or daughter and doing well at school or being a good person in general. Know your limit and know when you have to reduce the consumption. The high will eventually wear off and you will find yourself broke and hated IF and only IF you completely ignore the rest of your life

    Weed is blessing, but even the most pleasurable things have to be moderated and consumed responsibly. If being always high does not affect your performance on your job or your academics, or your health, by all means SMOKE MORE, but if it does, then its probably the time to be responsible

    Excuse me for my bad grammar, since im not a native speaker. I hope you all enjoy the wonderful plant and have a nice day : )
    Your friend, ChillLime
  7. i like what he said ^^^
  8. haha yeah ive definitely experienced most of the things you guys are talking about...i do blaze a couple times a day every day and i have for almost a year im more curious towards emotional/dependency and probably uncontrollable habitual use or some shit like that.

    anyone have anything? :yay:
  9. Cons: lets see

    Lazy... get weaker/out of shape

    spend more $

    become a little dumber in a sense

    cant focus

    there are plenty of cons

    take 1-2 months off, and go to the gym

    youll feel better than ever smoking, and then start smoking slowly again to celebrate!
  10. Beautifully said. I can relate to this a lot and agree.
    Cons of smoking everyday for me are mostly school/grades related. I'm very intelligent and intuitive, but I just don't want to do shit that has to do with school while I'm high.
  11. if i smoke everyday my tolerance is incrediably high...i just feel lazy more than high...less is more with bud
  12. wow casualstoner thanks for the input!
  13. running out is not fun. i often bitch people out for no reason when i know that i dont have weed waiting for me when i come home from a long day.
  14. #14 Katamar13, Jan 28, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 28, 2010
    When I was smoking about an ounce of bud a week 5 blunts a day my lungs got really fucked, my tolerance got really high and I was spending way too much money on weed other than that I was really liking my life.

    Edit: and I felt like I always needed weed. I would get really anxious when I would get close to being out of weed and I started getting really stingy with my pot even though I normally had atleast a quarter ounce.
  15. youre always welcome : )
  16. keyword in this whole post: [blunts]
  17. wow..i was almost in this exact scenario back in HS senior year.. I too was in english and reading pride and prejudice..i didnt give a shit and would smoke fat everynight instead of reading..luckily i passed the test and passed the class thanks to sparknotes..but no more sparknotes now i just spark up dank!:D
  18. Tolerance sucks.
  19. @Phamas: so true. im always begging for/packing a second bowl and my friends that dont smoke very often are begging me not to hahaa

  20. Same at first. But now those friends have a ridiculous tolerance like me :( It's at least a bowl per person to feel anything at all. So when there's 4 of us in the car...4 bowls. Seems like a lot, but its usually not enough at all.

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