
Discussion in 'Silicon (v)Alley' started by sg your face, Jan 13, 2010.

  1. Does anyone else use connect360? I have a torrented version from the latest update and have successfully played most of my .avi movies but there are still a couple .avi movies that wont show up?
    How come some do and some dont? I cant figure out why .avi is so random. .m4v also has some problems but the majority of my files are .avi?
    Btw, should i be using .avi? are there better formats, keep in mind i like to keep my formats basic enough for vlc media to read.
  2. is that only for mac? i have a PC and a laptop on a router together and the xbox 360 is connected to my network so i can just share stuff to my xbox 360 such as my 300 .avi movies... my problem is i don't think xbox can play .avi files.. werd
  3. The thing is that if you have a pc, the xbox has the windows media support right on it but a Mac is a whole different company...
    I actually got some of my .avi files to run but for some reason there so random like some will and some wont and was wodnering if someoone had a solution
  4. i converted my files to .vlc and I think they play on xbox 360

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