Congress to Censor the Internet

Discussion in 'General' started by LovingTree, Dec 2, 2011.

  1. Stop Online Piracy Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    There are pretty simple ways around DNS filtering but the point is they would try to block access to websites and require ISPs to basically spy on everyone.

  2. well, luckily GC isn't a pirate site =P
  3. I think It will happen sooner than later. If you havent noticed they pretty much made it were in the US anyways you have to have a converter or digital tv. So now when the government wants they can shut down the broadcasts. Same will happen with the internet. Its like what they did with the banks only few big ones left. Same is happening with cell phone,internet,television providers.. Abd verizon ownes majority of the airwaves...
  4. Would make the site fucking boring... Americans ARE the forums

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