Congress achieves the lowest approval rating in history

Discussion in 'General' started by amsterdamage, Jul 10, 2008.

  1. haha.. I think I love this lady!! ;)

    We should all leave a reply saying one reason they're so hated is due to the federal marijuana prohibition.
    Gotta keep this issue in the news and stop people from just accepting it!!

  2. its all a farce anyway..our government, has been an illusion for quite some time
  3. The beurocratic facaad allows exploitation of public money and interests by the lying politicians. It is a parasite on the tax money, we need to restructure our entire government and monetary system because in my eyes they are broken beyond repair.

  4. broken beyond repair indeed. our government does not have our interests in mind anymore. its all about lying to us and convincing us they do. seems they spend more time trying to convince us that then they spend doing anything at all.

    oh well, im getting out of this country as soon as possible.
  5. They blame the democrats but fail to realize that republicans are filibustering so much they they're setting records and not allowing legislation to be voted on. Both parties are to blame. This is a fucked up day in the world of politics.
  6. I have to completely agree with all 4 posts above me....what a total shame our country has become that we have 2 parties who are so petty and childish that they'd rather see our country go to shit than to work together towards solving problems, all for the sake of their respective "parties" and it's ideals.

    And the reason they don't care is because even if they don't get re-elected they almost always seem to have a cushy job lined up the second they leave office, so doing a good job for the citizens couldn't matter less....there gonna be filthy rich and influential regardless, holding office just allows for greater power and influence.
  7. 2000s - the decade of reality television in culture and media
  8. Wow something like this has never been exposed to the public. WOW. FUCK! I'ma become a political activist.
  9. yeah....some people were aware of this, not news.

    they are striving to get you guys to conform to the NAU ;)
  10. I hope to God that is all left wing propaganda and not true, if so there is no stopping it, might as well just conform.
  11. There's actually a bet going between congress and Bush right now, to see who can take the biggest shit on the nations face. So far, lucky for US, its a tie!

    They should be changing our name to the Fecalized States of America.
  12. Let's riot, everywhere.
  13. Wow. Just wow. I would agree with a revolution, but it has to be the WHOLE nation, not just a group of people.
  14. "In America the usual dividing line is between liberalism and conservativism. Those are two tried-and-true scams for duping large numbers of people into voting for candidates who will put a happy face and a display of distracting drama over the steady erosion of their freedom and the reality that someone else is living off the results of their hard work." - Some fucking Skinhead

  15. I actually find it funny how few people posted in this thread, which would seem to be an important one, but yet, they have no trouble posting in random threads filled with nonsense. Alas... We are all doomed, and shortly, we shall all die. :p

  16. I'm all for it. Just end it.....NOW!!!! :wave:

  17. The blog was on FOX News....
  18. Heh, I find it really fucking amusing how long it takes people to change or become aware of something. The fact is this is the government we chose, not through force but by freedom of action. Sometimes people forget that governement is only a reflection of what we are allowing to happen to ourselves on a personal level. The governement that people hate so much is ugly us and until we have the courage to change ourselves it will always be so.

    Just look at us and what we've become, how completely pathetic, how terribly sad.

    "The constitutions of most of our States assert that all power is inherent in the people; that they may exercise it by themselves in all cases to which they think themselves competent (as in electing their functionaries executive and legislative, and deciding by a jury of themselves in all judiciary cases in which any fact is involved), or they may act by representatives, freely and equally chosen; that it is their right and duty to be at all times armed; that they are entitled to freedom of person, freedom of religion, freedom of property, and freedom of the press."

    ~Thomas Jefferson~
  19. By the freedom of action that we all took for granted for so long, the system of government that the founding fathers laid out for us didn't fail us, we failed it. Americans became complacent fat and lazy. Jay Leno does one of those "man on the street" segments, have you ever seen the stupid people they interview? Its a national embarrassment, most cant even tell you who the vice president is, and yet we give these assholes the right to vote.

    Its our own fault, not the government or the politicians, they do it because we let them get away with it.
  20. I am VERY glad that somebody wrote an article like this. This shit needs to go mainstream. I enjoyed readin the comments on that site...much like all of our own comments on GC.

    We were created as a republic and the attributes of said republic have completely faded away. I think lobbyists have destroyed this nation beyond repair. It is all about the $$$$$. Money brings upon corruption, lies, deceit and debauchery. I bet Thomas Jefferson is rolling in his grave.

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