Ive done a lot of searching and I cant quite seem to figure out when exactly to add nutes, or whether I should or not. This is my Ak-48 fem auto. This is 2 weeks after planting, and it seems to be doing well although its growing a little slowly due to a little overzealous watering.Im using uncut Fox Farms Ocean Forest. Any input would be appreciated. Again, sorry for the stupid ass sideways pic
I start giving my nutes after 3-4 weeks from seed. I start seeds in happy frog in solo cups. Once the bottoms leaves start to yellow I transplant into 3 gallon bags and give them nutes. So far out of 9 plants they seem to explode in growth once I do this. May I add I am using roots organic, so I start them at full strength, "organic" bottle nutes seem to be harder to burn plants ( roots organic and earth juice) What nutes will you be using ?
Since you have that plant in such a huge pot...assuming because it's an auto strain, you're not going to need nutes for a good while. You don't need to start giving them until the plant has had ample time to use up the nutes that came naturally in the soil. FFOF is considered to be "hot" by some growers...meaning that it has more slow release fertilizers in it than the average growing soil, and starting nutes too soon is only going to fry your little plant. Correctly pH'd water, good soil with adequate drainage, proper lighting and understanding how to water the plant correctly is all you need at this point. If you're growing in soil worth anything, no plant needs nutes within the first month of life. I've seen very few that had to have any nutes at all, in good soil, until much closer to flowering. Watering: You do not water a plant unless the container it's growing in feels like it did when you just loaded it with fresh dry soil. They do not like having their roots sitting around in moist conditions and it will definitely stress your plant out and slow down it's growth...along with other funky things happening, if you don't allow it to sufficiently dry out between watering/feeds. When it is time to start giving nutes, give at an even more diluted dose than recommended by the manufacturer. They want you to use a bunch of chemicals on your plants so you'll have to buy more chemicals from them. It does not take that much. And, the size and density of your buds....basically your whole harvest, is directly proportional to how much good flowering light it gets during the flowering cycle.....NOT how much nutes you pour in your plant. Good luck! TWW
I understand the harm in overwatering, the watering issue came from the fact that Im using smart pots which dry out fast, and the soil was hard to tell whether it was actually "dry" or if it was too wet. It is indeed an autoflower, so Im using the big pot to keep from impeding any growth haha. Thanks for the nutes advice