confused on how long to dry the buds

Discussion in 'Harvesting and Processing Marijuana' started by Jaded1983, Mar 14, 2009.

  1. i see the stickies say between 5 days to 8 weeks.. how long do i really need to let them dry?
  2. As long as the stickies say?:rolleyes:

    Anywhere between those times, when you feel your bud is dry enough, take um down.
  3. what would happen if i smoked it right off the plant?
  4. your head explodes. it's very dangerous... please don't do it.
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  5. Well, I think you might catch the entire plant on fire no?

  6. I think you are confusing drying with curing. Drying the crop by either hanging it or putting it on a drying screen of some sort usually takes 4-7 days. It depends on the humidity in your drying area and whatnot....they usually say to dry until you can snap the stems.

    Once they are mostly dry then you cure the crop by placing them into mason jars and opening them up a few times per day for a week and then less frequently after that. You can cure your crop for a couple of weeks or for several months....the longer the better according to what I am reading.

    There stickies explain all this much better than I can do here.
  7. Well, I think you might catch the entire plant on fire no?

  8. hahaha....I'm still laughin' just picturing that one... blow torch of some sort perhaps, eye gogglez (to keep things safe!) and the token roach clip.
  9. lol you know what i mean... not drying it or cureing it.. is it even smokeable?
  10. thanks! +rep
  11. if im gonna keep them in a box do i need to keep the door open or closed?
  12. It's not smokable "right off the plant", too wet. There are ways to quick dry buds, but it won't be as pleasant a smoke than proper drying and curing
  13. Smoke some buds that have dried for 1 day, and smoke properly dried, and cured buds. The first will barely light, it will no get you high because THC is NOT psychoactive until moisture is removed, and the compound is converted from a neutral non-pychoactive compound to a acidic psycoactive compound. The second will get you flyin with tha phish, and swimmin' wit tha birds (if its actually good).
  14. I disagree. You take a bud right off the plant, stuff it in the pipe, and just hold the heat on it while your hitting it. It takes about 2-3 hits of it being real moist and then it starts hitting just fine and gets a cherry. It will get you high. As far as Im concerned it doesnt even really taste worse. I dont think most people are smoking for the taste anyway. That being said, Im sure holding a lighter on it just burns up a lot of your THC. If you want to try it and its wet, go for it. You could dry it pretty quickly on a window in the sun, if you have a rice cooker you could leave it on warm and put it on a piece of alum foil inside of it, and it will dry it pretty quick. Whats a gram to experiment?

  15. i dont understand why you wouldnt want to at least properly dry your crop, let alone cure it. you have spent probably 3+ months growing, along with the countless hours of trimming,etc. is the extra 5-7 days really that much more to make sure your buds are properly dry?
  16. Im thinking he just wants to try it out, not dry the whole thing.
  17. dry for 5 days, cure till i like the smell :smoking:
  18. There is no set dry time. Depending on where you are drying it, the air circulation, the humidity and the density of the buds it will take different times. With decent air circulation(away from the buds) it will take anywhere from 4-7 days. The slower you dry them, the better quality your bud will ultimately be, just like curing. Don't start curing until the bud is dry enough that when you bend the main stem it snaps in half.
  19. 5 days to 8 weeks . Sounds like the cable guy

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