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Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Train Wr3ck, Jan 28, 2011.

  1. when i smoke i smoke train wreck,and the last 2 times iv freaked out an had a bad high..but i smoked it for like a week straight the other week and felt good an high but the last 2 times iv been gettiing mass waves of parinoia and start freaking out.
    what should i do? smoke diffrent stuff? not sativa but indica dominate?
  2. It depends on who you roll with


    Everyone has a tolerance and once you break it your high as you have ever been then the next time you smoke a decent amount your paranoid as fuck. Your tolerance is now higher but you gotta build it back up by smoking small amounts.
  3. You just need to chill out.... Remember that it is ALL mental. You've gotta learn to accept the feeling, not be panicked by it. Just keep smoking in comfortable situations, you'll get over it eventually (happened to me)
  4. well the thing that i think i noticed right away is that i was sitting there an then i think i started to worry about somthing idk what it was but i started to worry about somthing then when the train wreck hit i started freaking out an couldnt breath and idk it was a bad should i continue to smoke weed or should i leave it be? an if i continue to smoke should i just do like 1 hit? an not 3 hits of train wreck? cuss my cousin does like 1 good one of train wreck an hes set,an the 2 times i freaked out was when i had 1 really good strong hit like idk it was right after i took the hit i started to freak out then it got worse and worse lol
  5. What do you mean by that?

  6. I think he is making some kind of bs set and setting reference

    If you aren't enjoying it the majority of the times you use it the only sensible thing to do is discontinue use... everyone's mind is built differently thats the beauty of the mind, but it also means that loads of people aren't built for the herb. its not that you are a pussy or that you can't "hang" it's just how your brain is built....if you don't enjoy it don't do it, thats my motto

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