So the recipe I'll be using consists of the following: 1 Gallon Peat Moss 2 Tablespoons Bonemeal 1 Tablespoon Bloodmeal 2 Tablespoons Dolomitic Lime 20% Compost 10% Perlite 1 Teaspoon Epsom Salt Now.. Do i throw all of this into a big container, mix it up and plant my ladies in them? Is there anything I should add? How long should I let them 'cook' if needed?
In general I'd follow one of the tried and tested recipes in the stickys. Just off hand, I don't see kelp meal, and really I should. And add perlite or better yet pumice or lava rock at 25% or so of your total mix. Your lime will depend on the peat used, some peat has lime in it already.....MIW
Hello MIW, I am interested to know why you feel lava rock is better to add to a soil mix than perlite? thanks in advance Sam
From my view, it's about money........lave rock is cheaper and is a natural product that will give you the same results for less money. Perlite will get you there but is man made from inert substances. 2 cubic feet of perlite at Home Depot is about 17 bucks while the same amount of lava rock is half that. chunk