Condom broke. Need some advice on morning after pill and stuff of the sort

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by Bag of Needles, Dec 26, 2011.

  1. Hi blades. I really fucked it up this time. The title shows the issue. last night, me and my girl were doing obvious things. I really am inexperienced with this type of situation and neither of us want children. So I was wondering if you fellow blades would be able to give some info. We were wondering about side effects of the morning after pill and how much it cost. Any help would be appreciated.
  2. You got a few days max, do it asap, I'm in UK dunno america prices probably at least 20$-30$??

    headaches, maybe sickness, nothing she can't handle. :wave:
  3. Plan B, it's not cheap but it gets the job done with no noticable side effects.
  4. Its like 40 dollars
  5. Yes it's cheap and easy. The only negative side effect is it makes your girlfriend an emotional basketcase for a day or so and she'll be all needy and whiny and shit and want lots of attention. It'll make you crazy dude.
  6. its 40 bucks and read above for side effects. also the sooner you take it the more effective it is.
  7. You shouldn't even be wasting time typing this shit and get the morning after pill as soon as possible or as several people above me mentioned "Plan B"

    The sooner you act the sooner the better.
  8. It's nothing compared to child birth and telling everyone what happened i'm sure

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