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Concerta ADD

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by dazedfromhaze, Jan 28, 2010.

  1. hey guys, i was diagnosed with add yesterday. i was prescribed concerta 18mg, 12 hour tablet that self controls how much it releases so it doesnt release too much at once, this gives it the 12 hour effect. anyway. today was my first day taking it, i felt super concentrated, i smoke weed sometimes maybee a lil less than once a month, like every month and a half. i was wondering will taking 18mg 12hour concerta and smoking weed cause any problems or side effects? anything at all, even if its small please let me know. thank you so much for reading, keep toking, stay high.
  2. No, no it won't cause any negative side effects. I shouldn't say it won't cause anything is possible, but it's HIGHLY unlikely you'll see any negative interactions with the drugs, especially at the frequency you smoke; however, I personally feel like they are synergistic. Makes the high a lot clearer, and even while you're super baked, you're full of energy. Again, no scientific research here, just personal experience/knowledge. Check out one of the greatest drug references ever for more info. Your drug in question is methylphenidate.
  3. ADD took concerta for a long time. No problems. Vivance worked way better for me though.
  4. Well i have taken concerta and smoked weed and i always cut my concerta in half 54mg pills and smoked weed to get really high lol

    But if you are taking the dosage recommended it will not do anything to you
  5. think this is in wrong forum.

  6. I used to have ADD, I never went to the doctor or got the medicine prescribed to me, but it was blatantly obvious. I started taking it every once in a while before work so I could actually meet the standards that my work wanted me to. It seemed to work ok, but you have to watch the anxiety it can cause especially when you are smoking. Concerta permanently screwed me up. It made my anxiety worse, it started making me really sick, I would get "swirly" lines in my vision like I was tripping the fuck out. I finally realized I could perform better at work high, then with concerta. That shit made me so damn sick.
  7. NOPE, I have been taking 18mg concerta for the last 5 years and never has a problem
  8. ight thanks for all the help guys. i was freking out beofre this post because some asshole that is anti concerta wrote a post on some website saying his friend started have sesures ad convulsing after half a g of mids. he said he had permanent brain damage and will never be the same again. it was obviously bs though, cuz at the end he was like "yeah he gave up concerta and smoked weed instead, concerta is just a terrible drug that is dangerous and deadly." anyways thanks again for all the help.

  9. Everybody is better with a little speed in them.

    Weed won't interact with it.

    Psychologists love to prescribe drugs. There's nothing like personality in a bottle...

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