Concepts that fuck with you

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Pufftamagicwyrm, May 22, 2012.

  1. [quote name='"UNAB0MB3R"']

    How about the fact that the faster you approach the speed of light the slower time passes. Once you reach the speed of light time just stops completely. Like could you leave the earth and travel at light speed for 20 years and come back the same day you left, or would you travel 20 years and it would be no time at all for you, and come back 20 years in the future.

    It fills my brain with fuck.

    Favourite part of black holes is that they warp space entirely, if you put a black hole between us and mars, it would curl space/time fabric around us and mars would be on our doorstep. If you picture earth as the palm of your hand and mars as your finger tip a black hole placed at your knuckle will bend your finger towards your palm, making mars closer then it actually is. Only if you could somehow travel the gap between space-time fabrics. Thats teleportation bro, black holes hold the secret to time travel and teleportation.[/quote]

    If u could somehow travel at the speed of light, u wouldnt age at all compared to everyone else. It has somethin to do wit the fact that time is relative to an objects speed. Its a pretty confusin concept.

    I feel like if we figured out how to use black holes to teleport, some event horizon type shit would happen.
  2. [quote name='"chaell210"']

    If u could somehow travel at the speed of light, u wouldnt age at all compared to everyone else. It has somethin to do wit the fact that time is relative to an objects speed. Its a pretty confusin concept.

    I feel like if we figured out how to use black holes to teleport, some event horizon type shit would happen.[/quote]

    Anything with mass will never reach light speed, so humans are out of the equation... For now.

    Also, the more gravity there is the slower time goes by. So someone living in a planet where the gravitational pull is massive then their time will seem to slow down compared to someone living in a planet whose gravitational pull aint so strong!

    Also, gravity can bend light.
  3. the harder you try to hit the ball far in golf, the worse you'll do. at my height (6'4") I just swing slowly and the ball just flies. golf is a bastard of a sport...
  4. If you shoot yourself in the head do you hear the gun shot before you die? I think the whole concept of we're on a tiny rock in such a vast universe is mind blowing as well.
  5. #66 McKronsky, May 25, 2012
    Last edited: May 25, 2012
    The sense of sight jus weirds me out like thats insane how our brain can interpret image.
  6. our brains is what fucks with me the most. like how are personalities formed and shit? like its really just all chemicals in there (i think) but its just odd how everything really works. i dont even know what im saying. im blazed as fuck. oh and space. it just goes on and on and on. crazy shit.
  7. [quote name='"MasterJedi"']One concept that fucks with me is what would you see at the edge of the universe? I know its expanding but what would you see standing on the edge? You would be looking at nothingness but that can't exist.
    Also light. Its pretty amazing to me.[/QUOTE]

    Yup always thought of just going to the end even if there was no way back
  8. I realized this when I was a little kid: the relationships between the colors would still have to remain constant. Lights would be grouped with lights, darks with darks, etc. What would a color wheel look like to this person? Every color would have to stay relative to the next so it really wouldn't work.
  9. there is no security in life
    the body is only an accumulation of elements, earth , and the food we eat. eventually earth gets the body back
    what many people see as themselves is only an accumulation of impressions
  10. #71 6T6Stang, May 25, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: May 25, 2012
    I've actually had the same thought as the one in the original post. However, the part that is a mind f**k for me, is to think that technically, heaven/hell COULD, theoretically exist. For instance, although your mind is housed in a physical body, one COULD insist that your mind is really just a large system of electrical current, which could be further broken down into a massive network of electrons... Your feelings, desires, loves, hates, and memories can be made up of these electrons.

    Who's to say that this IS NOT your "soul". Perhaps, when you die, you're dealing with a "half-life" situation, i.e. half of your soul is decreasing, but it will never be "zero" (For those out there who don't understand, half life is just a decrease one-half, within a specific amount of time. But, divide 1 by two, then that product by 2. Continue dividing each resulting product by 2... You'll never get to zero.) You might be able to say that it will always be there. Would this be "heaven" or "hell"? Depends on your interpretation. Perhaps it's only your conscience, perhaps you'll "let go" and be at peace faster, if you have a clean conscience when you die. Never know.

    Back to reality, I thought of this while studying the theory of relativity, in my physics class. And yes, I was stoned out of my mind. But, that whole thing really makes me stop and think, at any rate.
  11. #72 BP to the DP, May 25, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: May 25, 2012
    Quantum physics and nuclear physics. Along with astronomical physics, and how nuclear reactions work. Stuff just amazes me. lol you might be able to tell I'm a physics nerd...

    Edit: to the people talking about what's on the edge of the universe, some theories say that the universe is spherical like the earth, and that you can justgo around. The same people think wormholes are just "shortcuts" through the sphere.
  12. I have another one, pulsars. A super dense zombie star that could burn up our atmosphere if one got too close. Imagine the density a skyscraper would have if it were packed into the size of a grain of rice, our laws of physics don't apply to them.

  13. Oh they'll apply JUST fine. They just won't be relevant, at that point.

  14. hahaha bro thats what happens when you die...
    and u go into this great detail but its just the feeling u felt before u were born...
    do u remember ur life before u were born? you ceased to exist so u saw nothing and remembered nothing
  15. I find a vast amount of subjects totally enfuriating cause they don't have any answers at all.

    The concept that you can actually contemplate the act of thinking proves that you are not your thoughts. Like, FUCK. Mind-blown.

    Time. There is staic and dynamic time, your brain can actually change how you perceive time, etc. The whole concept of time confuses the hell out of me.

    Dimensions. There are so many dimensions on Earth than the three we live in. There could be someone right now doing the same exact thing as you, be right where you are sitting at this very moment, the same exact person, if you will, and they have their own mind. This ties into parallel universes, which I'm not even gonna get into that.

    Most unmentionables.

    Body language. I understand it really fucking well, but still can't deduce why certain people are broadcasting their feelings through their body at certain times. Like I was at a kids baseball game today, this guy had legs spread wide like he was getting ready to fight, arms crossed as saying he was closed off to any influence, and a smile on his face. Way confused. If I talked to him I probably could have found out why, but it was more interesting reading his very strange body language. I love how dogs communicate with their body language too. :D

    God. I 100% believe in him, he's totally real. I just don't understand the weird ways he works. But he's a total Bro.

    Strange phenomena, such as ball lightning, st Elmo's fire, etc. they all make sense, but at the same time they don't.

    Finally, the Past. Aside from what we have video evidence of, how can we be sure that anything in the past actually ever happened? Someone could have just created something, just to mess with everyone. Sure, science has ways to carbon date stuff, etc. but what if it was all just created right as you were born. Think about it, how can you truly be sure that something happened if you weren't in this world when it happened and saw it. Like think of it just using your mind, not with science. Just fucks with me cause I live in the moment but remember practically everything, it's just, wow. I can't put my thoughts on this subject into words very well, but I tried.

    That's it for now. Does your head hurt? Mine does. :)
  16. #77 iWannaTreeONugs, May 25, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: May 25, 2012
    [quote name='"blueberyum"']Simply the idea that everything we do is so insignificant and vain. What I mean by this is that in 100 years nearly everyone on this planet right now will be dead, and with those people and your own death will go any effect you ever had on peoples lives. Even if you have left a Mark of some sort, like if you become famous or leave an imprint on your children it will eventually die out, with their deaths and eventually the death of humanity. Whatever you do has no real meaning in the end. I don't know if I expressed it clearly enough but this idea depresses me sometimes.[/QUOTE]

    Is it cool if I use this as my sig bro?

    Edit: has anyone heard the brain in a jar theory?

    Our brains interpret a lightshow as sights, sounds, feelings, tastes, and smells. This theory implies that you could be nothing more than a brain hooked to a computer that is sending electric impulses that stimulate your brain. So everything your feeling is from a computer and your nothing but a brain
  17. the fact that the universe is so unpredictable and we are so lucky to have our planet not fucked with after all these years. at any time a huge chunk of rock could just come flying out of nowhere and just fuck us up, BOOM...done. wouldnt even know what the fuck happened.
  18. I believe in an afterlife, but I just can't imagine it being an eternity, especially if there is a Hell. Imagine being in Hell forever. Like the shit just never stopped wtf thatd be crazy. I can't even imagine being in Heaven forever. I feel like you'd get bored theres gotta be a Heaven 2 then 3 etc haha.

    But that one thread "Life And Death, the Supposed Unknowable"'s depiction on the afterlife makes some sense...
  19. [quote name='"iWannaTreeONugs"']

    Is it cool if I use this as my sig bro?

    Edit: has anyone heard the brain in a jar theory?

    Our brains interpret a lightshow as sights, sounds, feelings, tastes, and smells. This theory implies that you could be nothing more than a brain hooked to a computer that is sending electric impulses that stimulate your brain. So everything your feeling is from a computer and your nothing but a brain[/QUOTE]

    Sure go ahead :)

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