Concepts that fuck with you

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Pufftamagicwyrm, May 22, 2012.

  1. One concept that fucks with me is what would you see at the edge of the universe? I know its expanding but what would you see standing on the edge? You would be looking at nothingness but that can't exist.
    Also light. Its pretty amazing to me.
  2. If he's talking about the names of the colors then that could be incorporated with anything that has a name. For example, what is the word "bean" was used when speaking about "rice". Its not just a color issue if it has to do with names of things, it's more of a why is this thing called what its called which I agree is a complete mindfuck that I have a simple answer for. It's called what it's called because it is :smoke:
  3. Life on other planets... I think its quiet ignorant to think we are just a one and a couple trillion of other planets that have life. Like mars is said to have had signs of water in the soil for a while ago (Science teacher said one of the explorers found this). Also one of Jupiters moons is supposedly close to habital conditions, but still just not quiet. So I think one of the galaxies far far away theres other life forms...

    Also what about a parrallel universe or something of the sort? Like say theres another planet with somebody exactly identical to me who does the opposite of what I do. Like heres an example:

    I decide to smoke a joint with a friend. The other me decides to not smoke a joint with a friend. Just some thoughts for you guys
  4. Have you ever had a dream, that you were so sure was real? What if you were unable to wake from that dream? How would you know the difference between the dream world and the real world?

    (btw, thats from the Matrix... Not Inception)
  5. Say the universe is roughly 15billion years old...

    Us Homo Sapiens have been around for 250,000 years...

    Imagine a species of life that has been around for billions of years, with brain capacities much like our species..

    We'd be totally screwed, also imagine the possibility of other elements that are stable in different parts of the universe, other places could have an advantage

    I really just want another advanced lifeform to let us know if they can travel through space at high speeds :(
  6. [quote name='"4Ridgemont4"']

    Sure they will all say it's the same color. It's a reflection of light everyone will see the same item/color but that if the first time you learned about colors there were 5 different options.
    Blue, White, Green, Red, Yellow
    You see those colors and know what they are. You see red and you learn that is what it is.. I see red, and I think it's the same color everyone else sees. Yet, if in my brain looked like yellow I would never know the difference because red would be yellow and yellow would look like something else. Sure this smiley face looks blue :( but what if it looked like orange to you and you would never know it.. I think of blue as soothing, I'm sure you do as well but if blue was orange you would have associated that same feeling. I don't know, I understand it could be proven but it goes a lot deeper than just blue is blue I see it you see it..:smoke::smoke::smoke: or I used too much meds.[/quote]

    Dude that smiley face is yellow..... What maybe it's just the app
  7. [quote name='"Liveola"']Time and relativity, mostly. The big bang aswell. How is so much mass created just by energy?[/quote]

    Nuclear fusion, buddy. :)
  8. [quote name='"4Ridgemont4"']This one still blows my mind. What if we are born, all seeing different colors. If everyone in the world being told "This is blue, this is yellow, this is brown" but in reality they are seeing my gray,purple,orange? Nobody would ever know. Currently I see a yellow/green color on grasscity. Everyone probably thinks thats the color they see as well.. but what if it wasn't? Minddd freeaaaakkkk[/quote]

    This is why we have the color spectrum
  9. What fucks my mind all the time is the fact that I cannot see my own face without having to see a reflection ... Nobody can see their own faces ... Goddamn :eek::eek::eek::eek:
  10. Think to yourself, "Who am I?" that voice you heard in your head is you. . . but what is that? where is it located... not your "physical" body... but where does that voice that makes you, you live?

    what the fuck am i saying?... idk but stay high and ponder all things :smoke:
  11. Black fucking holes. How can something be so dense, and have such a gravitational feild it will take ENTIRE PLANETS and turn them into a singularity. Giant masses of rock and gas crushed into what we can only speculate as the next step up from nothing.

    Thats not even the weird part about them, they suck in light. Fucking light cannot escape. And to top it all off, they are indestructible. No worries right? Space does my head in...
  12. [quote name='"UNAB0MB3R"']Black fucking holes. How can something be so dense, and have such a gravitational feild it will take ENTIRE PLANETS and turn them into a singularity. Giant masses of rock and gas crushed into what we can only speculate as the next step up from nothing.

    Thats not even the weird part about them, they suck in light. Fucking light cannot escape. And to top it all off, they are indestructible. No worries right? Space does my head in...[/quote]

    Yeah you can't fuk with a black hole cus we can't do shit about em.
  13. space in general fucks with my head

    and infinite what!?
  14. How about the fact that the faster you approach the speed of light the slower time passes. Once you reach the speed of light time just stops completely. Like could you leave the earth and travel at light speed for 20 years and come back the same day you left, or would you travel 20 years and it would be no time at all for you, and come back 20 years in the future.

    It fills my brain with fuck.

    Favourite part of black holes is that they warp space entirely, if you put a black hole between us and mars, it would curl space/time fabric around us and mars would be on our doorstep. If you picture earth as the palm of your hand and mars as your finger tip a black hole placed at your knuckle will bend your finger towards your palm, making mars closer then it actually is. Only if you could somehow travel the gap between space-time fabrics. Thats teleportation bro, black holes hold the secret to time travel and teleportation.
  15. Simply the idea that everything we do is so insignificant and vain. What I mean by this is that in 100 years nearly everyone on this planet right now will be dead, and with those people and your own death will go any effect you ever had on peoples lives. Even if you have left a Mark of some sort, like if you become famous or leave an imprint on your children it will eventually die out, with their deaths and eventually the death of humanity. Whatever you do has no real meaning in the end. I don't know if I expressed it clearly enough but this idea depresses me sometimes, yet in the end I just try to enjoy the time that I do have on this earth.
  16. Space/the universe/existence/everything, really. Life is fucking crazy when you really think about it, when you read other people's theories about existence and how we came to be and what's out there etc. and compare them to your own, and it gives you a whole new perspective on everything. I could go on and on haha

  17. Photo?
  18. Saw some theoretical physist on some show the other day say something that blew my mind.

    He basically said that we are getting closer and closer to being able to create a virtual reality matrix style. Essentially we will be able to create simulated universes in which the programs do not know their universe is not, "real."

    When it is possible we will likely build multiple such universes. Which means there will be more virtual universes than real universes.

    Which means that the odds favor the possibility that WE are likely to be a just a simulation as well! Gah!
  19. [quote name='"Lavions"']

    Your question is invalid, you cant imagine colour which doesnt exists, because that colour doesnt exists.[/quote]

    Because it hasn't been invented yet.....

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