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Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by mytimeisnow, Feb 2, 2011.

  1. Hello, i have to go tomorr and finish my hiring process. A drug test was not mentioned, but i'm almost certain that i will have to take one, because it's at a doctor's office. However what can i conceal urine in so that it is not obvious, and if i warm it in the microwave an hr prior to testing will it still be good when i get there if concealed in an area that is hot

  2. I used a small vile-like bottle...You can find something like this in the travel section of Target, Walmart or whatever store you have available in your location. Mine was actually an empty KY bottle. LMAO.... and I would warm it up under warm water, not in the microwave. It would be nice if you had a thermometer to get the temperature at or around 98...
  3. Just so you know, urine oxidizes after 30-45 minutes and it will be useless

  4. I froze mine first....
    I don't know if it makes a difference, but I passed. :confused_2:

  5. maybe that helps? idk, but everything ive read and researched says it will oxidize pretty quickly.
  6. Thank you to everyone who answered my thread. I will def use water instead i always heard i could microwave though! what about a plastic zip lock bag and and would u suggest i hold my pee since they sometimes use dye in the toilet
  7. to slow the oxidation process keep it out of air as much as possible (so an airtight container) and keep it near your genitals (lol) or armpit, it will be the warmest.

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