
Discussion in 'General' started by darksmoker, Aug 13, 2010.

  1. im listening to the most amazing song, its speaking to me...directly to me. and it made me think. computers. scary things. i mean wat the fuck, its a bunch of fuckin metal and plastic crammed into a tiny area, how the FUCK does it produce this amazing fucking sound? (my song). seriously, images i can understand but this is beautful sounds, how the hell does all that metal junk n shit do this? its a living persons fuckin voice, and this person is a complete stranger...and its real. or even cd's and ipods for that matter. its scary. wonder what else theyll be able to do in 50 years....
  2. Its beautiful, but at the same time a little overwhelming for some reason. Im only 18 and i feel like an old man already, with technology booming past me, kids with their knick knacks and gadgets that i couldnt care less about.

    i like the technology we have, at least most of it. and i like the benefits it gives us as a race and as individuals. BUT, as technology becomes more and more advanced, material items will be put higher up on the pedestal, costing more money, being capable of more things, turning from simple commodities to devices people cant live without.

    its too bad, considering we used to be so at one with nature, in the hunter gatherer way of life. But things are different now and they will continue to change rapidly.
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