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Computer screens while high?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by DivineFlame, Jan 28, 2011.

  1. #1 DivineFlame, Jan 28, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 28, 2011
    This one time i was high with a couple friends and we were on the computer, except this time whenever i looked at the screen i would start like flying, the world felt like it was spinning and i couldn't look at it for more than 10 seconds at max or else i would just fall down on the floor and i would have to recuperate.

    anyone else have similar situations?

    Edit: Didn't mean to post in this thread,
  2. I know what you are feeling bro.:smoke:

    I like to turn off all my lights, play music in winamp and turn the visualizations on fullscreen. Its quite an adventure!

    Sometimes I feel dizzy though =\
  3. The first time I ever got high (like 8 years ago) all my buddies played Diablo II. Well, I wanted to watch and the screen looked like it was sooooo far away. I couldn't stop laughing lol
  4. Im wondering how the hell this is in "Seasoned Tokers".

    If you still get that high, i want your tolerance or I'm guessing you don't smoke a lot.

  5. Like i said, I didn't mean to put this in the Seasoned Tokers thread. It was quite a bit ago though :smoke:
  6. browsing the internet is one of my favorite high activities... so many possibilities... i don't get dizzy or anything... other drugs (not to be named or discussed further i guess...) have made me feel sick while looking at the tv/computer though.
  7. Hahaha I remember getting high like that when I first started.
  8. All i really remember that night is laughing my ass off in the car and my friend ordering a 50 piece chicken nugget from mcdonalds for himself... he said he wanted 10 but the driver ordered him 50 hahah :D

  9. ive had some weird experiences off weed. similar to this i looked at the computer screen and i couldnt see it my vision was so fuzzy. so i layed down for about 10 mins and was fine.
  10. Lately when I get really baked the computer screen tends to hurt my eyes. Gets really annoying, even happens when watching tv.

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