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Comprehensive Guide to Smoking Using Various Paraphernalia

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by astrocheese, Nov 20, 2009.

  1. You should definitely do it man, there's sometime no other way to learn these things. Definite +rep!
  2. sticky, nice post
  3. bhahahahah its so true.
  4. Wonderful post man. that is a sick spoon!
    also i believe you should cover a few homemade devices such as the Good ol' Apple and homemade grav and waterfall bongs
  5. I know I know...But I just hit that, and I promise that it doesn't hit like a penis
  6. Thanks man. It's a chameleon "vortex" piece as the guy described it. I'm enjoying it.

    I'll make sure to add less traditional homemade devices next, thanks for the suggestion
  7. Hahahahaha
  8. I don't know if it's worth adding or not, but I've seen so many people not now how to use a chillum(as straight forward as it is). Also a pic of someone cornering a bowl could be really helpful.

    great guide as is though! :)
  9. Hmm good point on the chillum. I don't think I have one in my glass collection, so I'll try to pick one up next weekend and take some pictures for a guide. Tomorrow I'll add in all the suggestions people have given, and I'll try to take a picture of me cornering a bowl (if I have that many hands). I think I'll also add a section on the finer points of bowl packing
  10. This is a great post.
    I've seen a lot of posts teaching newbies how to smoke (which are great; nobody likes a n00b who can't smoke for shit), but this is a great post.
    If I didn't know how to smoke, this thread would be great.
    I +repped you, even though it doesn't do anything right now.
    Good post. I hope you get more rep (or at least some green rep) for this. =]
    I wish I would've read this before I tried to smoke :yay:
  11. cool guide. + rep
  12. now someone has to make a strict parents guide
  13. good stuff with the pics :)
  14. Hmm...You know, I used to have pretty strict parents, but I was able to earn their trust and use them to my advantage. Maybe I'll add parts to this guide completely unrelated to paraphernalia...
  15. good read thanks +rep
  16. Could you add how to use a hookah? I personally don't have one, or know anyone that does, but I get confused just looking at those things.:confused:
  17. Right on man, this was a good thread. Though none of the info is useful for my brain, im sure tons of newer tokers will appreciate the time you took writing this. Rock on!
  18. A hookah is NOT for weed, that is for nasty tobacco. Yes some people do use them with weed, but tahts only for people who like to waste weed and fill the hookah with like 2 ounces. Plus you cant clean a hookah.
  19. I clean my hookah regularly. But I agree, it's not the best thing to smoke weed out of...I sometimes will put a little bit of bud in a big bowl of shisha for a nice buzz though. I'll add that hookah part now

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