Compost tea question.

Discussion in 'Growing Organic Marijuana' started by Mauwie420Wauwie, Jun 4, 2019.

  1. Ya tell me about it, every time i get interested in something new i always end up needing a PhD to understand it correctly....i turned farming into a 50 000$ trip back to school
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  2. To each their own though if you enjoy it that much go for it I'm just a simple farmer with a little bit of disposable income to burn here and there
  3. If ever you feel the need to go down the rabbit hole and learn all about microorganisms i would be glad to help and point you in the right direction. I would suggest to start with cell identification (plant and animal) because it's the base of everything, then bacteria, phages and viruses, then start going up in size. Hell if you speak french i can send you some textbook screenshots. It seems like a lot of information at first but it eventually sinks in. Don't be a stranger.
  4. No English is the only language I know and I wasnt looking to dump a bunch of money into it thought it was going to be a simple process but I appreciate the helpfulness :) I think I'm just gonna go by visuals and hope for the best
  5. #25 Mauwie420Wauwie, Jun 5, 2019
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2019
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  6. Damn that's even more and half of what I need I'm passing out I'll check into it tomorrow ✌
  7. Dont buy it, DIY.
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  8. sorry, I was at work all night, just got home.
    for a 100 gal tank I don't think ANY air pump would work good, and they are obnoxiously loud!. One of the greatest pleasures I got from stop growing in DWC was no air pumps and the noise and vibrations!

    The pond pump is a bit overkill i'd think.... :) BUT it is a step in the right direction. I'd recommend a submergible pump which is the style that one is.

    I see Dreadhed linksed to a brewer unit. That's exactly what I was thinking of. Forget the expensive price and look at how it works with the pump in the tank under the pic pipe coming up and than u-bends to drop the pumped water back into the tank.
    It's a very efficient and much more effective way of aerating the water for dissolved oxygen than any air pump and air stones could possibly give you.
    Since you already ordered the large 100 gal tank all you need to recreate a similar brewer for a lot less than $600 is a pump, some pic pipe and bends, and if you really want to get fancy you can also build into the pvc system a venturi to add even more oxygen in. As Dreadhed mentioned, you can DIY the whole thing for a LOT less. since you have the tank, without checking prices on anything I bet you could do it for less than $100, definitely less than $200

    search search aact brewers on utube and there are a lots of diy videos showing and explaining how and why.

    BTW, I'm curious why you need to brew 100 gallons of compost tea at a time? Most compost teas you can dilute down like 10x or so and it's still very effective so only 10 gallons of actual brewed tea can still give you 100 gallons of tea to use on plants.
  9. With high quality soil mixes and humus you're not going to see long term benefits from aplying ACT. Simply keeping the soil moist a compost tea is 'brewing' right there in your soil, all the time.
    Compost tea, or ACT/AACT are more beneficial in large outdoor swats of land where you have a limited amount of humus you want to spread to the entire area but when growing in containers indoors its rather redundant, especially if you have access to enough material just top dress compost right into the pots.

    BTW, that bag of "compost tea" from BU is just compost in a fancy little bag (read the ingredients on the back label). You will get the exact same benefits from top dressing the compost and watering it in, minus the hassle, time spent and risk of screwing up a batch of tea.

    If you still want to brew for some reason I think @jerry111165 has a vortex brewer he is trying to get rid of.
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  10. Well might as well just prepare to do the same amount of research on making compost tea as we all did learning how to grow weed, have the right environmental conditions and the infinite time we continue to put into our lighting. Lol
  11. Screw it then I got bags of super soil I'll just throw on top then I thought the tea would boost my ladies but I'll just save my money then. I hate living in a state where I cant talk to anybody about anything I keep screwing shit up and it's super frustrating :bang:
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  12. Don't be too hard on yourself. There is tons of conflicting and also misinformation, myth on the web regarding growing cannabis. It's not easy sifting through it all to find what is legitimate and what is "broscience" but thankfully these days are numbered as cannabis research gains traction as more and more countries are going legal and the industry finally can invest money in some real research and science that will eventually serve us all to better understand this wonderful plant we love so much.

    I recently found this podcast I just started listening to, they host actual scientists and try to stick to facts about growing. I find this episode particularly interesting but you should check out the other ones for tons of great info
  13. I used to make teas. However the same results can be had with top dressing with the added bonus of not dealing with the mess of teas.
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  14. Itd just be so nice to tall face to face with someone else that grows that's done it knows what they're doing could help with my setup cause I've got a ass load of cash dumped into and indoor setup and I just brought everything outside last month seems to be way easier I just kinda dove in head first way over my head. I'll check the podcasts out later got some lumber service trying to score some cash off these trees in the back, and honestly knowing that top Dressing will do the same results is kind of a relief not having to dump another thousand or more into brewing
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  15. Hey man its what we are here for just ask away ;)
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  16. Shit dude i hope i did'nt blow the wind out of your sail. You really don't need to go to college to grow weed, i know people who grow way better weed than i do and don't give a shit about chemistry or just so happens that i do, but what really made me into a good gardener, and scientist i may add, is trial and error...especially error. Don't worry YOU GOT THIS.
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  17. You know what you're I need to do this itll save me a ton of money in the long run so I'm gonna clone some stuff tomorrow and try to find that mother plant I'm wanting to keep I filled the aerocloner to much and the pumps couldnt must the roots but they looked like shit anyways I cloned then from sickly plants but they look amazing since I took then outside and top dressed then a couple weeks ago I just thought the tea was gonna like a 2 part thing to boost then with a top dressing then boost them with a tea but inside my tents will be crowded af my veg (5x9) has 2 hlg 550 v2 on a light rail and I have 280 watts of boards on each side with light rail is that to much for veg? I was planning to do the same for flower and yes they're the correct spectrums
  18. That is a hell of a lot of light for a veg room!
    For sure the two extra 280's can go into your flower tent
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