Completely Stoned

Discussion in 'General' started by Jaybom, Jun 15, 2013.

  1. So today I smoked for my second time and got a new spoon which is amazing and great stuff. today around 330 i took like 5 hits from a bubbler, 3 hits from a 4 inch spoon, then some bong like 2 hits all within like an hour with my cousin and it was amazing haha. I was so stoned and then we watched mac and dev go to high school (great movie haha) and I was sky high sweet damn. I got home and slept for 4 hours at 6 and still feel a tad bit high. it's great :) :) :)
  2. My first few times smoking i passed the fuck out within like 45 minutes haha.
    Mac and devin is pretty good but only when you're stoned  :smoke:
    glad you're getting into the herb my dude
  3. lol yeah my head would be up then it'd fall and come back up :/
  4. Hell yeah brotha. Just keep on smokin and chillin.
  5. not bD for a second time, think my second stone ws few hits fro. A pop can

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