I ordered a grinder as a christmas present for my girlfriend 2 weeks before the holiday. I just now got it today. Not only was the shipping extremely delayed with no warning, but it wasnt even what i ordered. I picked out a nice wooden grinder with carvings and stone inlays and what i got was a plain grinder too small to even grind a bowl packs worth. i love these forums but ill never order anything from this website again.
Yeah the store BLLOOOWWWSSSS in my opinion, local head shops are your best bet. The forums and store are not connected though.
hahaahaha that's kinda funny. I'd take it up with them and have the correct thing shipped. They should fix that no problem. The shipping is due to them being over seas so it takes awhile i mean it should be expected when ordering internationlal.
Forums arent really related with the store. Also its in the netherlands so expect long shipping on some things. Hows the grinder though And you ordered it around xmas time think how many people do that
Id never buy a piece online. Then again we have smoke shops like on every street corner Dont the shops fund the forums?
2 weeks is kind of a short time frame for international shipping. I've never ordered anything from the site, but I wouldn't expect something sent from overseas to make it in two weeks.
If you got a different product than what you ordered, contact support and they might be willing to replace it with the correct item if you're polite about it. The shipping doesn't seem that bad at all considering it was coming from overseas during the holidays and had to pass through customs.
I hear two weeks is pretty good for GC most people say 3 weeks to a month. I bet they'll fix your problem if you sent them an email though.
all true i don't know why OP didn't take it up with someone after all this time though, i personally haven't ordered from the store because it's from the netherlands. i just come to the forum when i'm high as hell because there are some real hilarious bastards here (and shemales)
I'm assuming you are not in the same country as GC. So you should have expected a long wait. And why would you order a wooden grinder online? You can get a decent one at any headshop/tobacco store ever.