
Discussion in 'General' started by Straight Fire, Sep 4, 2010.

  1. Hey guys i was just waiting for a pizza to be done in the oven and realized something. Making a pizza is kind of like growing bud. Think about it. Theres a lot of different kinds of pizza to make, it takes time to do and you think a lot about it while waiting, and even when its almost done you still have to wait for bud to cure and pizza to dry. What do you think?

    *edit* I meant for it to cool down....
  2. i think you're on drugs!
  3. Hey guys i was just waiting for my wife to give birth and realized something. Having a baby is kind of like growing bud. Think about it. There are a lot of different kinds of kids to have, it takes time to do and you think a lot about it while waiting, and even when its almost done you still have to wait for bud to cure and the baby to be born. What do you think?

    *edit* I mean for the wife to go through labor...
  4. Ya, and waiting for a bus is kinda like jacking off. You do it whenever you can't get a ride, you're just sitting there til it comes, and you're always happy when it does... but then you get on the bus and realize this is still way shittier than having your own car.


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