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comparing weed to people who smoke cigarettes

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by baurman, Feb 8, 2011.

  1. i've been thinking about this lately and as far as health concerns, if you vaporizer weed, are you doing any damages to your body? from what i believe the THC chemical doesn't really do damage to your body and it's all just myths. People are scared of weed because they say 1 joint is equal to a box of cigarettes, etc. but that's all from combustion. so if you compare a person side by side, a daily, multiple cigarette smoker and a person who gets stoned. can the cigarette smoker win any argument over the stoner? what if they start bringing up things like a cigarette smoker doesn't get lazy but when you are stoned you are lazy and stuff like that?
  2. they look at weed the same way they look at meth. tobacco to them equals money. and alot of it. :mad:
  3. Combustion is bad in general, cigarettes are worse then weed no matter what.
    I smoke both currently, not to worried about it... Tobacco isn't the worst combusted substance i've inhaled
  4. I am a cigarette smoker and I have no illusions about it's health affects when compared to weed.

    How can someone be that ignorant to believe that weed is as bad as cigarettes?
  5. Vaporizing to my understanding doesn't harm you in any bad ways, except munchin'. I vape a lot so...
  6. PROS AND CONS - Marijuana and Cigarettes

    * Stress reliever
    * Increased appetite, food subjectively tastes better.
    * Reduced nausea
    * Induces drowsiness , so it can be beneficial to sufferers of insomnia and sleep deprivation
    * Holds usefulness for chronic pain
    * mood lift, euphoria
    * laughter
    * creative, philosophical or deep thinking : ideas flow more easily
    * increased appreciation of music. More aware of, deeper connection to music.
    *A increased awareness of senses. (eating, drinking, smell)
    * change in experience of muscle fatigue. Pleasant body feel. Increase in body/mind connection.
    * pain relief (headaches, cramps)
    * boring tasks or entertainment can become more interesting or funny

    *Could lead to other drug use
    * clumsiness
    * paranoid & anxious thoughts
    *dizziness, confusion light headedness
    *difficulty with short term memory
    ---------------(nothing to serious, right?)---------------



    *Hella people dieing each year due to it.. so why do it???!
    ---------------(you tell me what ones worse..)
  7. All I do is Vape.
  8. I smoke both and I also understand the consequences of smoking both tobbacco and cannabis. Luckily for me I know that ciggarettes are a lot more dangerous and a hell of a lot more addictive. If they don't know the facts they need some research, pronto! :smoke:
  9. Well, to compare myself to a cigarette smoker. One cigarette contains 1 gram of tobacco. I smoke 1 to 1.5 grams a day. So I only smoke 1.5 grams of weed a day compared to smokers who smoke 10 or more grams of tobacco a day.

  10. You obviously dont understand then...

  11. Cigarettes are uniform in size and contain less than 1 gram of tobacco each

    Cigar Smoking and Cancer - National Cancer Institute
  12. Cigarettes are proven to be worse than marijuana.
  13. That's like comparing Advil to Heroin. Taking more than the recommended amount of Advil might hurt you, but taking any amount of Heroin will hurt you. Leaving out others medical issues, the stoner will be healthier and happier.
  14. #15 Nimise, Feb 9, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 9, 2011

    Im not saying heroin is good but if you have clean stuff then it shouldnt harm you...unless you od:(
    As for cigarettes vs weed I dont think an cig addict could win any arguments considering how much most of them smoke.
  15. LMFAO!!! do you mean (Touch,taste,hear,smell,see, etc.)
  16. Vaporizing is the safest way to smoke the ganga. Ive read a few things on marijuana use during adolescence and how it might connect to schizophrenia or some mental problems later on. They dont have any concrete facts but they're doing some research atm
  17. in the end its all about money dude, they make billions of dollars and lower the population at the same time from cigs. the government loves it. but everyone knows weed>cigs/alcohol.
  18. Cigarettes wont make you look at 7-11 as gourmet dining

    You obviously dont smoke cigs lol
  19. It's the equivalent of heroin....

    No but really... vaping is significantly healthier than smoking. Damn near no health problems... maybe a dry throat at the most.

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