Compare and Contrast Cannabis use.

Discussion in 'General' started by Chemdo, Oct 8, 2010.

  1. #1 Chemdo, Oct 8, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 8, 2010
    Hey. I was looking on Wikipedia a few seconds ago and I found pictures of the effects of cannabis and other "b-u-l-l-c-r-a-p", and boy are they different.
    I hope this gives everyone a reality check for anyone who thinks anyone you know personally is doing these things, cause I knew someone who abused m-e-t-h, and she fits all of the symptoms that follow the effects shown.
    I hope this thread can help, if not inform, the general pulb"leak" about what is good and bad for you.
    Eyes: Reddening and pupil dialation (or decreased intra-ocular pressure)
    Skin: Sensation of heat or cold (common depending on the area of consumption)
    Mouth: Dryness (the worst part:mad:)
    Heart: Increased heart rate (like you feel during intercourse:cool:)
    Muscles: Relaxation (the best part:smoke:)
    Systemic: fever and ecsinophilia
    Brain: increased rate of stroke, reduced attention, insatiable hunger, insomnia, hypersomnia, lethargy
    Throat: soreness and hoarse voice
    Lungs: Hemoptysis, bronchospasm, dyspnea, infiltrates, eosinophilia, chest pain, asthma
    Nose: Rhinorrhea (or discharge in English)
    Teeth: Bruzism (abrasion)
    Heart: increased risk of infarction (??!??!?!)
    Skin: Pruritus


    Psychological: Insomnia, Aggressive behavior, paranoia, Incessant conversations (usually with themselves, sometimes not; it's hard to tell sometimes), decreased appetite, increased alertness, irritability, slurred speech, dizziness, confusion, hallucinations, obsessive behaviors (can sometimes be nympho related), depression, panic attacks (ohh)
    Systemic: hyperthermia, malnutrition, impaired immune system
    Circulatory: High blood pressure, vessel damage in brain (ehh), clotting (ahh), stroke
    Heart: chest pain, rapid heart rate, heart attack
    Liver: DAMAGE
    Eyes: dilated pupils
    Mouth: GRINDING OF TEETH????!!?!?!
    Skin: sweating, numbness
    Respiratory: shortness of breath (i saw this happen once; it's unexpected to all)
    Muscular: jerky movements, increased activity, convulsions, loss of coordination
    Kidneys: DAMAGE

    I'll start with the SHORT TERM effects.
    Central: euphoria, alternately alert and drowsy state
    Mouth: dryness
    Skin: warm flushing
    Respiratory: slowed breathing
    Muscular: weakness
    Central: addiction, tolerance, dependence
    Circulatory: collapsed veins
    Heart: infection of heart lining and valves
    Respiratory: Pneumonia
    Liver: decreased function
    Systemic: abscesses

    If you know anyone who fits the profile of the substances mentioned, please, get them off of them.
    I know what it's like to try and change someone who is on any such "c-r-a-p", but it will help them more if you persist with love, not aggression. I got aggressive and failed at helping someone, and now they are pregnant somewhere in the USA, maybe or maybe not still using.

    I hope this help, if not informs the general public.
  2. My grandma has most of the symptoms listed under Methanphetamine. Should I be worried?

  3. yes. You should be.
  4. Alright, you convinced me. Next time I see someone high on marijuana, Ill do my best to get them off
  5. You know what bruzism is but you don't know what cardiac infarction is?
  6. I wasnt reading all of that but since you pointed it out

    l o l
  7. I think he was pointing out how "unbad" weed is compared to other drugs.
  8. Not only that, but to the guy who said something about getting stoner's off of cannabis;
    No, the point of this thread is to let you know what that little "thing" might be that your sister keeps doing, like a mini OCD where she steals your money and gets pissed if you ask about it.

    Plus, if you must know, this thread is for everyone to read to know what really happens to someone when they use cannabis as compared to the other things this world says happens, but can never prove to be true.

    Let it be known that you can die from Oxygen poisoning if you drink too much water, but you still live if you smoke a spliff (or two, if you can stay awake) of the finest cannabis.

    That's all.:smoke::bongin::yummy:
  9. Comparing a soft drug to hard ones. Not only is this against the rules, its pretty useless. Most of us here already know the effects of the different drugs. Nice post otherise, but biased. Try ones that are one the level of cannabis.

    Myocardial infarction is a heart attack fyi.

  10. It's actually called water intoxication and really has nothing to do with oxygen itself. It's an imbalance in electrolytes that leads to swelling that increases intracranial pressure. And before you try to say something like water contains oxygen!, it's not the pure oxygen that causes intoxication. ;)

    The more you know.

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