Communicating Feelings

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by Gren, Dec 28, 2003.

  1. Since spoken word alone cannot communicate feelings proporly....

    Music, poetry, and any other art form

    Those are all I can think of... What are some other ways you guys can think of?
  2. Body language is a big way to communicate feelings.
  3. Pheremones are a good example, but i disagree with the thought that feelings can't be put into words. I find that people will question words, even their own words, but they seem to think that feelings are some intangible force. But I associate all kinds of things with my feelings, smells can bring back a feeling that was once only brought on by reality. In my dreams my feelings can take the form of abstract thought, personofied by whatever my head associates with that feeling, even if i don't know why. You shouldn't master or control your feelings but understand them, which you can do.
  4. Alrignt! these are really good.

    "Pheremones are a good example, but i disagree with the thought that feelings can't be put into words. I find that people will question words, even their own words, but they seem to think that feelings are some intangible force. But I associate all kinds of things with my feelings, smells can bring back a feeling that was once only brought on by reality. In my dreams my feelings can take the form of abstract thought, personofied by whatever my head associates with that feeling, even if i don't know why. You shouldn't master or control your feelings but understand them, which you can do."

    Poetry is words... I kinda phrased that oddly. Someone, I don't know who, once said that every word holds connentation.

    Yeah... controlling feelings is no good. No reason for living... blah.

    I just wanted to think of all the ways to communicate feelings... I can't wait for Smell-o-Vision.

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