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Common Cold

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by MacMillerPA, Feb 4, 2011.

  1. I unfortunately have a cold. Can I smoke anyway?
  2. I have chronic sinusitis (pretty much a cold, all the time) and it has never stopped me.
  3. not with anybody, depending on if you like them or how bad your cold is. if you're just token alone go for it
  4. Yea go for it. When ever I smoke with a cold it makes me forget how shitty I feel, also if you have sinus problems, it will make you be able to taste food again.
  5. Yeah im Solo-ing. So I will be toking tonight:smoke:. Thanks for the quick responses.
  6. Why is there no cure for the common cold??
  7. I just bring out the canna butter when I have a cold, I never enjoy smoking as much with a cold.
    There are many other insta-edible recipes on this site if you don't have any butter cooked up already. One that works, yet is less tasty is this:


    Ingredients (per cracker):

    2 sweet tasting crackers (cheese crackers work as well, really just personal preference.
    .5 - 1 gram of your chosen herb.
    Oily peanut butter.

    1) Preheat oven to 350 Fahrenheit
    2) On each side of your cracker spread a decent dollop of peanut butter.
    3) Place the herb evenly on the cracker, leaving a small perimeter away from the sides.
    4) Sandwich them together peanut butter to peanut butter.
    5) Wrap foil around attempting to make an airtight wrap.
    6) Place them in the oven for 20-25 minutes.
    7) Allow to cool for fifteen minutes.
    8) Unwrap.
    9) Om nom nom

    Better guide here thanks to Kramer

    If you want to smoke go for it I suppose, I personally just don't like the feel :)
  8. Because CURES don't make money. They sell you Something to cure your symptoms. And get this.... This things they sell to cure symptoms are so toxic and put a strain on your immune system that you not only get more symptoms you get sicker down the line and need more meds to get well.

    There are 3 things i take when i feel a little under the weather,
    1) is Miracle Mineral Solution- Kills Viral, bacterial, and pathogenic ( 19.99 for a YEAR supply on the internet ),
    2) Elderberry Extract - Immunity Booster ( in pill form ) ( GNC or internet $24.99 for 30 days )
    3) Colloidal silver - Antibiotic before Pharmaceutical companies got involved (GNC 24.99 a bottle 30 days )

    TOTAL COST - about $60.00

    You only need to take the elder berry and silver for 1-2 days and it will knock out the cold, the MMS will DESTROY anything in your system with out hurting your immune system ( Only side effect is nausea, that is cured in 5-10 min with vitamin C or OJ. ) ( But don't take vitamin C with MMS it will void out the MMS only take if you feel nauseous.)

    Do some research, I have not taken a Asprin, or cold med, or any OTC med for that matter in over 10 years, and i get sick once every 3-4. I knock it out in 1-3 days max!

    Smoke on Bro.

  9. They don't cure the common cold because the virus that causes it constantly evolves, which is why every time we get it, it's a slightly different strain, and viruses are technically not even living things, so they're more difficult to fight than bacteria.

    Anyway, Ive never really smoked while having a really bad cold, but you can give it a try. Just have courtesy and don't share a blunt or whatever with friends.
  10. kicking incredibly dope shit :hello:

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