coming out of the atheist closet

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by ExStoner, Apr 21, 2013.

  1. Stories of telling your parents your atheist. Today I told my mom and she really didn't care lol. So tell your stories?
  2. Parents are believers. I told them I didn't believe. They didn't care.
  3. I told my mom and she beat me with a bible and nearly drowned me in holy water.

    She was a Jew
  4. Seriously? Sounds crazy. I definitely won't tell my grandparents they are pastors .
  5. Lol no not who does that?
  6. Shit I don't know you lol.
  7. when i told my mom she said i was stupid..i just laughed because i'm stupid for NOT believing in fairy tales
  8. My mom slapped me and told me not to ever say that again.
  9. there was no closet for me.

    my parents where never overtly religious, but since they found out i'm not a Christian anymore... they told me it was cool.

    it's gotta suck having parents who are the exact opposite.
  10. About 2 years ago I told my mom I don't believe in prayer, or going to church, or the after life. She asked if I believed in Jesus and I said no. She said she'd pray for me and she'll be really sad if I go to hell :rolleyes:
    My mom constantly tells me to pray for people...most of whom I don't know or care about. She sends me sermons and books and scripture. It doesn't matter how many time I tell her to stop she won't because she firmly believes it's her christian duty to turn me back to the light. Every time we talk she makes sure to let me know sh's praying for god to soften my heart and save my soul.
    It's fucking annoying.
  11. My mom is Buddhist and my dad is Muslim, I grew up atheist

    Omega369 :wave:

  12. Well at least it's coming from a good place. She clearly has no ill intentions. It's just a shame that these beliefs can lead to incompatible social behaviors.
  13. Maybe you can compromise somehow? Tell her you'll read the scripture, sermons, and books and discuss it with her. But then ask her if she's willing to read certain books based on your worldview that YOU pick out for her and see if she's willing to discuss those with you.

    If she says OK, then maybe you can have good discussion.

    If she says "no way" then ask her, "So why should I read the stuff you give me if you're not willing to read mine?"
  14. I think it would be walking on a landmine , because it would require making her question her faith , it's a touchy subject , so it could get awkward.
  15. Well, it's a fair way to get discussion going.

    An open-minded person wouldn't care.
  16. The sad thing is that there are any close-minded people at all, they're the real reason for all of humanity's woes.
  17. Th ego does like to feel itself superior to others. It can only do this if it closes itself off, and the more it wants to do this, the more closed it must become.

    After all, an open mind is equal to other people and can include and accept them without judging them. It can see others as they are, even if it doesn't always understand why they are. It doesn't look down on anyone, and can always learn something from those it sees as different. A closed mind on the other hand, already knows what it needs to know. It has already decided/concluded something. It can even see those who think differently as a threat, and is ready to defend itself if necessary. A closed mind doesn't need to be bothered with the truth - it has already made its mind up.
  18. They don't really care but they try to force Christianity on me all the time. Like they try to make me pray at family get togethers before dinner. Its lame
  19. I've decided to stop talking about religion with my Catholic parents. (I was born and raised Catholic.) It just leads to tension and arguments.

  20. Yeah she won't, unfortunately. Anything that doesn't line up 100% with what she believes she deems "offensive". Even if she was willing to I still wouldn't want to read the bible or read books on christian theology. Christianity was my *entire* life from ages 4-18...went to church multiple times a week, was involved in youth group and I was home schooled for nine years. In high school I started a 4 year program that basically took every subject and turned it into bible class. Everything I learned - science, history, art, music, politics, economics, current events etc was all taught to me from the point of view that christianity is the only true religion and that christianity has (positively) influenced all people and events from the beginning of time.
    College was a bit of a rude awakening :rolleyes: I have such enormous gaps in my education.
    Anyways, I just really don't want to have anything to do with it now.

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