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comin at you from cold ass MN

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by cherrytoken777, Jan 26, 2011.

  1. Im pretty excited to get into the community:hello: Just love to chill with friends:D
  2. Hey at least we got into the double digits today:D I'm a fellow Minnesnowtan :D
  3. dont you love how some people think its freezing at 50 but we are glad to be in the double digits.
  4. try winnipeg.......

    welcome to the city haha
  5. Where are you in MN? Northern or southern?
  6. southern in the subarbs of st. pual
  7. welcome to GC broski
  8. Its been nice out lately.

    Tomorrow its supposed to get to 30 =]
    Almost be sweatin'.

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