Comedy Genius George Carlin on Education,Politics and The Corporate ELITE.EPIC

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by DivineVictoryX, Jun 10, 2015.

  1. #1 DivineVictoryX, Jun 10, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 10, 2015

    Spot on!

    Corporate Elite is everyone in BILDERBERG.

    "They don't give a fuck about you"
    -George Carlin

    When the economy crumbles is when we'll all find out, or just the people who were deluded enough to think they cared about us.

    The truth hurts,makes you stronger,is good, is what they don't want you to find out. They don't want you to wake up. They want to keep you asleep and want you to continue living a lie.

    Critical Thinking? No we'll give you one better, Fluoride in the water supply that everyone must drink in order to survive. Living up to your true potential? Please what's your true Potential if you don't have sparkling white teeth! I thought that was what tooth paste was for.....

    Ties into what Carlin Says^^^

    Enjoy the video! A little straightforward but Carlin hit the nail on the head
  2. You dont seriously believe the flouride conspiracy do you?

    Its own claims prove itself wrong

  3. 1% are in controll
  4. actually its more like 3%, and each if them are at war with eachother.

    We are literally pawns in a giant game of 3% chess

  5. toothpaste is fluoridated too, i mean, what else do you think rebuilds the tooth enamel?
  6. my biggest issue with the flouride conspiracy, is that it claims flouride is used to pacify and make people accept things.

    Simply stepping out my front door lets me see how retarded that claim is.

    Americans definatly aren't pacified from mass drugging

  7. Um, Americans are getting more aggressive every year. I think fluoride makes people aggressive, not passive, if anything.

    But yeah, Mr carlin had great insight, and used it for comedy.

    Though in his later years, I didn't find him all that funny, but informative, yes he was.
  8. You got fed up being told your wrong in the other thread that you had to start a new thread on the same thing? Lol.

    And you know fluoride isn't about whitening correct? Or are your critical thinking skills seriously that lacking?

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