Combining two mattresses? Can it be done?

Discussion in 'General' started by averagetoker, Feb 3, 2011.

  1. I want to push two twin mattresses together, but without any of that connector shit from Bed Bath and Beyond. Will it work, or will I inevitably fall in between the crack one night, and be very pissed off? Reason I'm asking is because I got a double dorm room to myself and am tired of seeing this unused bed take up space, and could re-arrange my room so it would be awesome, if and only if I can push the beds together.

  2. Im sure you could, just make sure the frame doesn't move apart. Maybe zip tie them together
  3. yeah just be sure to use duct tape. :)
  4. #4 ramone&emiglio, Feb 3, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 3, 2011
    I wouldn't do it man. Last year my friend did this and he fell through the crack in the middle. No one ever saw him again.
  5. Sleep the other way on them? So that the crack is horizontal compared to your body.
  6. twin mattresses are pretty short in width.. haha

  7. Diagonally then. :cool:

    And yeah whoever said zipties that's a good idea.
  8. People ask the weirdest questions around here...
  9. My cousin did this a few years back and it worked.

  10. What do you expect from a bunch of stoners?

  11. Diagonally is a very good idea. Have any ratchet straps? Those would work pretty well
  12. i did this, this summer, diagnol worked best. i had a 3 inch crack between matresses and i just stuffed a couple sheets in the gap. it was legit.
  13. I've made 2 twin beds work as a king sized. I did however go get a king sized mattress cover to kind of hold the beds together. The only time I had the beds slip apart was when "getting busy" right in the middle...:rolleyes: Most nights it was just fine.
  14. Nothing less.

  15. dude you're in college, fucking duct tape the shit all over and there ya go.
  16. Haha, that's pretty much exactly what I came in here to say.

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