Combatting the illegality of DMT

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Flashback, Dec 11, 2009.

  1. "

    N,N-DMT is Schedule I in the United States. This means it is illegal to manufacture, buy, possess, or distribute (sell, trade or give) without a DEA license."- Erowid

    Okay, so aren't we all constantly in posession of DMT? Could a pregnant woman be charged with manufacturing DMT, since she's creating a little laboratory where DMT will be created for about 70 years?

    I heard from one of the experts on the DVD "Manifesting the Mind": I believe that if you were to get an accurate enough instrument to measure it, almost all living organisms would contain DMT". So, could large scale transportations of livestock, living plants, etc. be considered drug trafficing, since the contents of what you're shipping contains tons of DMT?

    Finally, I don't see why a drug that everyone takes on a nightly basis should be illegal just because we found how to take it in large doses without sleeping.

  2. no...
  3. Um, well, I see where your coming from but.. you can't take dmt out of your brain and put it into a physical form... So no.
  4. thats like trying to arrest everyone in possession of money because it has tiny traces of coke. :rolleyes:

  5. Who's to say that there's no way to extract the DMT from your brain. Maybe we haven't discovered it yet, but has anyone really tried? We found ways to extract it from all types of shit, frogs and whatnot.

    Just sayin.
  6. #6 Floydian, Dec 11, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2019
  7. No. Considering people have been trying to get cannabis legalized for over 70 years, and we just starting to win that battle, I think we all should focus our efforts where they count.
  8. If only it were so easy...if logic was effective against prohibition, we wouldn't still be fighting this 'war' on drug.

    You can posses plants containing DMT on the same principle that you can have it in your body, that it is legal in a natural setting, but once we extract it from said source, then it becomes a controlled substance.
  9. Like someone else said, it's the same as buying your Mimosa Hostilis or other DMT containing plant. Perfectly legal to transport even though it contains DMT (like chickens) but once you start trying to get the DMT out is when it starts to be illegal.

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