came across this absolutely majestic synth band, had to share. Com Truise Com Truise | Melting Circuits since 1985 <---really nice website Com Truise's sounds on SoundCloud - Create, record and share your sounds for free Com Truise | Gratis muziek, tourneedata, foto's, video's [ame=]YouTube - Com Truise - Slow Peels[/ame] [ame=]YouTube - Com Truise - Fairlight[/ame] (this one below is supposed to be their newest song... ignore title... the name is "Colorvision") [ame=]YouTube - roll that beautiful bean footage![/ame] Debut LP coming soon. List of releases.. EPs and such. Com Truise | Melting Circuits since 1985? | Releases
It has that like mysterious 80's sound, I can't really describe it but I like it. Last vid/song is my favorite.
BUMP this shit is awesome. been listening to these songs quite alot over the last day. lol ive been in this thread alot thanks for sharing this! great man ill spread it out to friends
ppl dont like this shit? ppl i know LOVE THIS SHIT [ame][/ame]
Bumping for awesomeness. I just discovered CT too and the one EP he released is SOLID.. thats saying alot because i listen to the 1337est tunes. Jk, but this is seriously awesome if you like chill azz summer time retro cool aid on a sunny beach eargasmatronic drums with gnarly synth hammers for days, brah. That Karova song is awesome, where can I find it?! [ame=]YouTube - Com Truise - BASF Ace[/ame] [ame=]YouTube - COM TRUISE - Klymaxx[/ame]