Columbus day weekend (pics)!

Discussion in 'General' started by Rollbud, Oct 8, 2010.

  1. Well its finally here Columbus day weekend! Midterms are over and we get to look forward to an extended weekend (some of us). What should we do? Honor Columbus and watch a history documentary? Na, he was just an idiot with shit navigational skills who tried to find India but ended up on the wrong side of the world. He did do one thing right though he brought cannabis to the new world! So this weekend Toke one for Christopher or toke three cause I would bet all three of his ships were packed with the green :smoke:.

    Despite my name, I have never rolled a J in my life this is the first one ever. Tell me what you think and offer me advice.

    Sorry for the bad focus my nice camera ran out of batteries, im using my mini camcorder. This is just for scale.

    just showing how ridiculously nice it is out.

    I will update later with some more pictures but now its time to spark this baby up. Post some pics of your Columbus day smokes:hello:.
  2. Damn that's a nice fatty. I'm unfortunately on a smoking sabbatical due to a potential upcoming drug test next month. :devious:
  3. Smoke that shit while outside with that view.
  4. Pretty good joint for you first roll. I'd consider either a bigger roach or less weed though, but all that will change is how it looks. Toke that for Christopher.
  5. Well That sure was good::smoking:. After burning I had bad munchies so I tore through a bag of chips and salsa...and im still feeling hungry, so its time for....


    It sure as hell cant be for Columbus if there isnt any ...Water!

    My little bubbler held on to my roachie quite well
    Buddha Approves!

    Bud and Bubblers a Match made in Heaven!

    See you guys tomorrow when I will show you my spin on the firecracker.

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