
Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by flyhalf87, May 14, 2008.

  1. what if everyone sees colors differently? like my blue is your red, but because its been that way for both of us our whole lives, we call it the same things? maybe the way you see colors, are colors that ive never seen before, but neither of us know, because we can only see through our own eyes. we can say that the eye is made in a similar way with all the same rods and cones and stuff, but whos to say what anyone elses mind interprets? maybe if i saw this :) through your eyes it would look red to me and vice versa? like we see the same levels of the colors were seeing, like my light red goes with your light blue and my dark red goes with your dark blue so dark and light are the same, but the colors are just different?
  2. I have often pondered the same thing, I once heard a story of a friend getting so high they saw a whole different array of colors, weird.
  3. We all see on the same color spectrum so technically the colors are the same.
    But I too have thought about this and realized there's no way to even prove it unless a scientist transplanted the part of the brain which interprets colors and the eyes of another person; which I doubt is possible at this point.

    And colors are another thing which are impossible to define or even describe.

  4. I saw a whole different colour that I've never seen before on cid. I tried describing it to my mates but couldn't.
  5. Exactly.
  6. Color is sound!
  7. wouldnt that mean the colors would HAVE to be negatives of each other? otherwise it means some individuals may be able to see darker colors than others. If your saying it were supposed to be negatives, what about black and white? can they get mixed up?

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