Color, Does It Exist When We Are Not There 2 Perceive It?

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by Boats And Hoes, Mar 22, 2012.

  1. Circumstantial your honor. I propose a reality where everything is in the mind and dreams are not real.

    Also, who are you to say dreams aren't real in the first place? You could be dreaming right now for all you know.
  2. #82 Boats And Hoes, Mar 23, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 23, 2012
    Okay, I very much respect your stance - Idealism. So, please allow me an impartial platform to refute it, and please don't be hindered by apathy; u raised a valid point, and I will try to coherently repudiate idealism.

    Objects are not contrivances of the mind; a mind cannot, before experiencing it, create the appearance of an essence; but, it can, mentally constitute new appearances, based on an appearance, it(the mind) once truly experienced. Let’s say after John “perceived” an elephant, a grey one, and then, after he experienced a pink rose, by way of the five stages of sense, he fell into a coma - into the darkness. It is possible, after experiencing the grey elephant, and pink rose, his mind, in dream form(hallucination), will create the image of a new rose and a new elephant, and make it seem as real, as the elephant, and the pink rose, he once originally experienced, through the five stages of sense. His mind can now, constitute a new appearance on the original appearance; it can deform the image of the rose, and elephant, and create a whole new rose, and new elephant. -In appearance, never in essence. In John’s dream, the mind, unconsciously can, create a new reality, where elephants' are pink, and the roses are grey and smell like elephants.

    How can u conceive fire and all of its "attributes" without ever experiencing it? YOU CAN'T.

    By using this example, I want to prove that, at one point in my life, I’ve experienced the original, independent world of essence, in appearance. If I’m dreaming right now, and mentally creating erroneous appearances based on the original appearance-essence, but still consciously thinking within this world of erroneous appearance, I know, that I’ve been conscious, in the real world, the world essence, at some point in my life.

  3. Prove it.
  4. #84 Boats And Hoes, Mar 23, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 23, 2012
    Okay, so... ur positing that a perceiver CAN constitute things, in the mind, without ever experiencing it?

    Can a man, who is blind since birth, have a dream about how a face "looks" in appearance? No! And there's the proof, bro.

  5. Prove he can't.
  6. #86 Boats And Hoes, Mar 23, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 23, 2012
    lol ughhh... this is where we should end our philosophical correspondance, imo; because you're just going to incessantly ask "why" for EVERYTHING, and I don't have all thee answers.

    But, a blind man CANNOT "see", in a dream, what an object "looks" like... there is no need for proof, common sense will suffice. --It's an axiom, and axioms don't need "proof".

  7. So you claim not to have all the answers, and then go on to posit a universal negative, a logical impossibility. I'm quite confused as to where you actually stand on this matter.
  8. What are u talking about, my dude?

    Do u know what an axiom is?
  9. Principle of Sufficient Reason of Knowing
    If a judgment is to express a piece of knowledge, it must have a sufficient ground. By virtue of this quality, it receives the predicate true. Truth is therefore the reference of a judgment to something different therefrom.
  10. You state that a blind man cannot see objects in a dream. A claim it is impossible for you to make. I'm just confused how you can say you don't have all the answers, and proceed to follow it up with a claim of that nature. It appears you're actually pretty unwilling to accept you don't have all the answers.
  11. A blind man "seeing" objects, in a dream, is a CONTRADICTION, in itself; and thus it's rendered an axiom.

    AXIOM: Blind people CANNOT "see" objects. - THIS IS A FACT constituted by common sense.

  12. Your Logic 1100 and Philosophy 101 degrees don't really impress me you know. How about in stead of throwing terminology around, you make an actual argument.

    I'm a blind man in a dream right now, you're simply a figment of my imagination trying to trick me. Prove me wrong.
  13. #93 Boats And Hoes, Mar 23, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 23, 2012
    Answer me this... Is there such a thing as a "blind" man?

  14. In my mind, yes.
  15. What do u mean? So, all blind people are figments of your imagination?

  16. Yes, because everything is a figment of my imagination.
  17. Ah Ha! So, things are in the mind, and not before it; according to you, right?

  18. For arguments sake, yea, we can go with that.
  19. Well, that's the end of this convo... because, according to me, percepetion is galvanized by external forces, and not, solely, by internal cognizance.

    The dog example proved it, imo, and so did the blind man example; but, they wont suffice, in ur opinion, so, I'm really out of ways to convey that the thing-in-itself is independent of perception. Good chat, bro:wave:.
  20. Actually, if blind people exist only in your imagination... please describe what it's like to be "blind"? You must have the answer, since EVERYTHING IS IN ur mind.

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