Heard of lot of use of Colloidal Silver for Femanizeing seeds. Has anyone really used it and worked. I know you can make it at home but can you purchase it and were? I would glady accept any given advice...
That stuff is toxic! Try to leave a female plant in flowering for 2 extra months. Ive seen this work the plant will make seeds and should be all feminized!
no just keep it in flowering longer than usual. till it makes little male bananas. you can either cut them and release the femmed pollen or you can take the bananas and use to make a feminized crossbreed
Colliodal Silver is not toxic... But, if you drink too much of it, it will turn you blue... I've used CS several times, it works like a champ... I posted about it here: http://forum.grasscity.com/cannabis-breeding/645890-making-colloidal-silver.html -Loki
Take too much Colloidal Silver and it turns you blue and it's permanent. So, just don't drink it... -Loki