College Students with ADHD?

Discussion in 'General' started by dank nugglets, Sep 30, 2010.

  1. Any college kids diagnosed with ADHD? If so, are you registered with your University's Disability Services?

    I just found out at my university that ADHD is considered a disability and with documentation I can receive class notes and other test accommodations.

    I'm a bit surprised that ADHD is considered a disability, but I may try to take advantage of it. I'm only really interested in the class notes at this point.
  2. Well all through High School they considered it a disability. I had seperate room testing and I got copies of notes that I would tend to miss out on purposely so I can get the notes lol. I didn't know they did that in college now though. Thats pretty crazy, you should take advantage of the notes, that will make things ALOT easier for you

  3. Yeah man, thats what I was thinking. I don't need separate test rooms or anything, but a legit set of class notes would be awesome. I'm going to head up to the Disability Office on Friday and find out what the deal is.
  4. damn, i got to get on that when i start up college...reading this thread made me feel some type way lol cause i know i can't take that good of notes.
  5. Yea but don't even consider it if you do not have a disability. Saying isnt believing, they check up on you and they also check up with your doctors for comformation
  6. my friends have adhd and they just smoke weed or take adderal

  7. I have been diagnosed with adhd by a medical professional. So I'm not faking a disability.

    It's just that I never thought of my adhd as a disability.
  8. thats cus its not a disability... having no concentration doesn't disable you
  9. I have that shit, I dont find it to be a disability but you can definitely notice it sometimes, get that shit dude

  10. I don't see it as a disability, but my University does.

    Hell, I have a 3.5 GPA so it's not affecting me too much. But it would help.
  11. Well adhd is a learning disability. Some people can cope with their adhd but others can't. Like me I can't focus on what to learn from teachers. I just can't sit there without doing something, and mind you, learning to me isnt really doing "something" lol. Thats why we have classes called CA, or curriculum assistance, not everyone with adhd goes into that class, but its kind of like study hall. You go in and do your homework or classwork that you didnt finish and you get extra help on stuff you didn't get during class. To me it helped, but I hated school to begin with.
  12. I have it aswell. I get notes from people in my class and it is pretty boss, mainly due to me taking shitty notes :p. But on a serious note i don't view it as a disability, it's more of a disadvantage.
  13. I have ADHD but I dont really tell anyone and dont view it as a disablity till I start studying. And it kind of sucks having it in college but you do what you can
  14. I think its ridiculous how this adhd shit has spread. It seems like its becoming so popular and something for everyone to use as an excuse for not giving a shit simply. I think its getting blown out of proportion. Of course its going to be hard to focus in school, if you dont give a fuck about a topic, tired, mind is somewhere else. Pretty soon I'm going to start claiming that me having a job leads to a disability to learn. It seems like 70% of the people I know claim to have some sort of adhd.. All these people with "adhd" i think they should be forced to listen/read something like a story that they would actually like, and see how shitty their attention/concentration is then.. I dont think many people can distinguish adhd from disinterested nowadays.

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