College Students: Anyone Not Toke While School Is In Session?

Discussion in 'General' started by SoCalPatient, Jan 10, 2011.

  1. I never go to class high. I really do enjoy classtime, and that is where I learn the best.

    It's kind of the opposite for me thought. I smoke way more at school cause nobody's watchin'. I have my vape at school, so that might be why :D
  2. I keep my school year smoking to on the weekends. Most college kids go out and drink, I prefer to stay in and smoke.

    I've never gone to class high, I should do it before i graduate.

    Are you in medical school, that's what I'm aiming for and have always wondered what the culture on weed is in it.
  3. Weed: my nightly relaxation ritual.

    why change because school is starting?
  4. I don't have anything against it, and I did occasionally when I was going to community college. Now that I've moved on to the Uni, I simply doubt I'll have the time. It's no big though, honestly lately I only smoke once a week or so anyway.
  5. Weed effects people differently, some can handle smoking and doing other shit, some cannot.

    Not necisarily saying your one or the other.

    Me personally, I like blazing every day even while schools in session. Im pretty damn lazy sober, so I use weed as a motivational tool. Like let me get this paper done and Ill reward myself with a bowl :D . or shit like that. I can usually handle smoking and doing just about anything.

    Just got a Magic Flight Launch Box portable vape too, so im looking forward to blazing all the damn time next semester. Even in some of my bigger classes, hehe.
  6. I usually smoke when classes get out for the day but sometimes I'll smoke on break if some friends are asking. Some classes are fun high. I go to community college and live at home.
  7. i found i just couldnt remember my anatomy if i did bongs while studying....i had to only get high before sleep. it was the same when i worked as a bongs before work
  8. I don't smoke or get drunk during the semester... I save the fun for the summer when I'm taking classes at community because it's an effing joke.
  9. Well for most of my first year I only seshed with mates on the weekend, ocassionly at night if there was some weed leftover etc.

    Near the end on the year (last 3 weeks or so) I got a magic flight and honestly the whole time was just a blur because I was high 24/7. It's so hard when it uses just a pinch of weed and it SO GOD DAMN STEALTHY! the thing should come with a fucking warning cause you can toke anywhere so you just kinda do.. it's like a new found freedom.
    I still finished with above average marks :smoke:

    As it's my second year I plan on keeping the vaping to a mininum over the first couple of weeks then getting into a system where I can occasionally go to some of my more boring (less important classes) blazed then keep it as a nightly reward after I complete all the shit I need to so I don't fall behind.

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