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College Campus WEED

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by mohammad916, Dec 12, 2010.

  1. so this what im wondering i have a cannabis card but i have some questions. I know i cant smoke in my dorm or on my college campus (university of california san diego) but can i posses it in my room and grow if im a legit medical user. this is what my college handbook has to say. please help

    Students living on campus often mistakenly believe they are not subject to state laws regarding the use and possession of
    drugs. It is an easy trap to fall into, and now that you have been duly warned, one which you should definitely avoid! Illegal
    drug possession for use or for sale, the possession or use of any illegal substance, and the cultivation of marijuana are in
    violation of state and federal laws and the UCSD Student Conduct Code. In addition, possession of any type of drug
    paraphernalia is prohibited by university policy. Your presence in a situation where another individual is in possession or using
    an illegal substance (such as marijuana) will certainly be questioned. If you make any of these choices, you may find yourself
    involved in the disciplinary process and facing possible legal consequences.
    Some students believe that under California State law it is legal to possess less than an ounce of marijuana. This is a myth! It is
    illegal to possess ANY amount of marijuana at any age. Possession of an ounce or less is a misdemeanor carrying a fine up to
    $100. Possession of more than an ounce or the cultivation of marijuana is a felony. In accordance with Federal Law, the use of
    medical marijuana is strictly prohibited.
  2. Dude, the answer to your question is in the last line of that big paragraph.

    I feel trolled.:mad:

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